Chapter 9

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'Why in HELL would he want to place his name in the goblet? Why?'

I was on my way to see Madam Poppy. I could always go to her when I have a problem. When I was little I decided on being a healer, because watching all your uncles and Dad get hurt playing quiditch is not pleasant. Hey, I was four.

Then I met Maddie. I was the first to notice the scar on her neck. I had waited a couple months to be sure. And sure enough she would disappear once a month. It was December when I confronted her about it. I found out she was nine when she was turned. Then I found out something else. the healers could have prevented the change, but they didn't. That is my drive to be a healer, to prevent unnecessary things from happening.

I opened the door to the hospital wing and I wasn't surprised to see Hugo already there. He's a klutz and tends to get hurt. Oh well.

"Hey, what happened this time?" I said while walking towards him.

"Fell down a couple flights of stairs. But I'll be okay. Why are you here?" I told you he was a klutz.

"I need to talk to Poppy, but she is busy with you so I'll wait."

"No. It is obviously bothering you. Besides I only have a couple bruises and scrapes, I will be okay. So can you tell me what is wrong?"


"It's Scorpius, isn't it." He said like a statement. Damn, I hate our sibling bond sometimes.


"Rose-" Hugo began but their was a loud sound of glass shattering. I turned my head to see Poppy holding Professor Trelawney up. She was shaking from head to toe. Another prediction? But she doesn't shake this violently normally, what is happening? Wait, if she is having a prediction, then that means- Oh here it comes.


Oh, I didn't mention that earlier? Yeah, I'm a Seer. I black out when I receive predictions or prophecies. Anyways...

A young child has a choice.

To follow his heart,

Or his father's footsteps.

He must make the wise choice.

For the fate of the wizarding world,

Is in his hands.

Well jeez, this kid has a lot on his shoulders. Who is he anyways? Then initials flashed over my vision.


I'll ask Mum later if she knew any one who's last name starts with an L. I know it isn't Longbottom, because Professor Longbottom doesn't have any other kids other than Zoey. This could take ages to figure out. I could check the school records. But I don't think I will find anything though. But it never killed anybody to look. I got up and saw that people were surrounding Professor Trelawney. I snuck out of the hospital wing and speed-walked to the library. I went to the back where the records were held. With all the records here it will take forever to find something, But no matter what I will figure this out if it's the last thing I do.

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