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Heat cycle Part 2.

Requested by Jennas_side
g!p Wednesday

Enid's pov!!

The next night, Enid was trying another method to please herself without waking her gloomy roommate.

"Hnggh, fuck.. harder, Wednesday." The latter moans

Was she thinking of Wednesday fucking her?

"mmngh Wednesday..haah~" Enid says as she whimpers her roommates name, hoping for her to not hear but also hear.

Suddenly, the wolf jerks back to a cold hand touching her legs and up to her thighs.

Enid was met with Wednesday practically watching her masturbate. Embarrassed, she closes her legs.

"Wednesday! How long have you been here?? How long have you been watch-" was all Enid could say before she was interrupted by Wednesday's cold lips.

Which she of course kissed back hungrily, harder than she meant to. Wednesday cups Enid's cheeks and the other held Enid's tiny waist as the girls battled with their tongues.

Minutes passed, and Enid was the first to pull away to catch a breath but Wednesday craved more so she leans in and deepens the kiss which made Enid moan.

Enid put her hands on Wednesday's back, her claws growing.

"Wednes- please help me.." Enid said whilst her claw dug deeper on wednesday's back which made Wednesday groan

"Enid.." Wednesday blabbed, her tone laced with desire.

"hngggh Wednesday, help me please..." Enid said as she sat in Wednesday's lap, straddling her.

As Enid straddled Wednesday, her body trembled with desire. Wednesday's hands slid up her thighs with a calculated calmness.

Her dark eyes studied Enid, who was panting, needy, her claws slightly piercing the fabric of Wednesday's sweater.

"Enid," Wednesday's voice was low, her expression unreadable, but her fingers kept tracing circles on Enid's skin, sending shiver up her spine.
"You're in heat again huh?"

Enid's breath hitched, her heart racing even faster at the question. She nodded, biting her lip. "I am..I can't help it. Please, Willa, I need you."

Wednesday tilted her head slightly, her lips curling into the smallest hint of a smirk. "If that's the case, I'll need to assist you this time."

Without breaking eye contact, Wednesday's hand tightened on Enid's waist, guiding her with a deliberate slowness. "You've been misbehaving, cara mia. Whispering my name when you thought I wouldn't hear? Craving my touch.. and now look at you.."

Enid whimpered, her hips instinctively grinding against Wednesday, her body aching with need. "Please Weds, I need you."

Wednesday's eyes darkened, her cold hands began to explore Enid's body with a knowing touch, teasing and commanding. "I don't plan to stop until you're thoroughly satisfied, Enid. Now be a good girl and let me help you, as you asked."

Enid whimpered in response as
Wednesday's cold hands slipped beneath the hem of Enid's shirt, he fingertips sending a rush of sensation across the werewolf's warm skin.

Enid gasped, her hips pressing closer to Wednesday, seeking friction, craving more.

Wednesday's touch was precise and deliberate, her eyes locked on Enid's, as if measuring every response.

"Tell me," Wednesday's voice dropped to a near whisper, her lips grazing Enid's ear. "How long have you been wanting this?"

Enid's breath came in a shallow gasps, her mind hazy with desire. "Al..always," She admitted between whimpers. "I've always wanted you, Willa"

"Is that so?" Wednesday's voice was velvety smooth, her fingers tracing slow circles around her breast. "Yet you've been trying to handle this all on your own...How reckless of you, You should've come to me sooner."

Enid's claws dug deeper into Wednesday's back, her body trembling at the intensity of the moment. "I couldn't...I was too embarrassed..But I need you now, I need you so much."

The raven smirked widened slightly as she shifted her grip on Enid's waist, pulling her closer until their bodies were perfectly aligned.

"You won't need to be embarrassed anymore," she murmured, her lips ghosting over the latter's collarbone.

"I'll give you what you need." Wednesday said with a sudden motion, flipped their positions, Enid now lying beneath her. Pinned by Wednesday's weight and cold gaze.

She leaned down, capturing Enid's lips in a fierce kiss, her hands roaming freely, exploring every inch of her.

Enid moaned into the kiss, her body arching towards Wednesday's touch, her mind lost in the sensations.  "Willa," She whimpered again, the neediness in her voice unmistakable.

Wednesday pulled back slightly, her lips hovering just above Enid's, her breath cool against her heated skin.
"I'm sorry, was I too far?"

Enid's eyes fluttered open, her lips parted as she gasped for air. "No, no, I..I need you to keep going, I can't take it anymore."

The goth smirked deepened as she leaned in once more, her lips brushing against Enid as she whispered, "I will cara mia. I need you to be quiet for me, unless you want everyone to know how good im fucking you."

Enid's face turned red, she didn't think it'd get better. but oh it did. "m-more please..touch me more-"

"Where?" Wednesday says knowing it will drive the other girl crazy.

"Everywhere, i don't care wends...please..i need you." Enid said kissing Wednesday once more, her tongue asking for permission to enter the werewolf's mouth.

Woah there, you're enjoying abit too much. I think that's enough :3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11 ⏰

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