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Heat cycle Part 1.

Requested by: Jennas_side
g!p Wednesday

Wednesday pov!!

I woke up to the sound of something rubbing against something hard, and a constant faint voice that matches the rhythm of the rubbing.

I sat up and looked around the room but my eyes fixated to the other side of the room, where someone was covered in the colorful sheet.

Was it Enid? Who else could it be? I figured I could check what was happening.

I slowly walked to the other side of the dorm where Enid's side was, I finally get to the edge of the bed and I brace myself for what's gonna happen if lift up the sheet.

...It was enid, humping her pillow.

"Enid?" I say as my lips are still parted from the shock.

The wolf jerks back and falls off the bed, saying "Je-ez! Wednesday you have to stop doing that." Enid says as she notice that Wednesday hadn't pulled her eyes away from her body. Enid suddenly realized and hurridly covered herself with the sheet she was covered in moments earlier.

"I'll let you finish..should i leave the room and go get ajax?" I say trying to avoid eye contact

" and ajax aren't a thing anymore..." Enid says as she gets up from the floor and sits on the bed

"Is there anything that can help with your...werewolf situation?" I fixated my eyes on her, slowly eye'ing her up and down to her collarbone.

"There's no more supressors for werewolves since everyone already found their mate..except for me.." Enid says as she forces a chuckle

A few seconds go by and Wednesday speaks deeper than usual, "Was ajax not your mate?"

"No silly, he's gay..We could've been good together but i realized he liked guys 3 weeks into the relationship.." Enid said while pouting.

I nodded in response and went back to my side of the room and hoped for a restless night but I couldn't get off Enid off of my mind. Especially seeing enid doing.. that.

I suddenly feel warm in my cheeks at the thought of enid, fully naked. I feel a bulge in my pants, but the sheet was showing how hard I was.

I quickly get rid of it by going to the bathroom and it takes a few minutes before enid says "Wednesday? what's taking so long? I need to wash up, can I come in?"

"Uh.. n-no" The stutter in Wednesday's voice made enid curious, she had never heard Wednesday in a loss of words.

"We're both girls, Wed-" Was all Enid could say before she was met with Wednesday, sweating. 

"Bathroom's free." The goth girl said trying to avoid eye contact, she quickly walks to her side of the dorm and soon rests on the bed to sleep.

The goth girl couldn't get her mind off of Enid. She wanted to kiss Enid, please Enid, fuck her until all nevermore hears her moaning Wednesday's name.

That's enough, for now.
There's gonna be a part 2 ofc

Thanks for reading as always, Check out my other work on my profile!

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