should've shot topper

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"Are you sure about this Mars?" JJ asked sitting on her bed as she got ready

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"Are you sure about this Mars?" JJ asked sitting on her bed as she got ready. After her nap she sobbered up a lot. Distractions was all she needed.

"Yes, distractions JJ. I'm fine. I'm happy." She looked over at him and smiled, a real smile.

"I like your shirt." She looked in the mirror at the shirt she stole from the boy.

"Thanks I got it for this boy." She said smiling as she looked over at him.

"O-M-G who?" He asked smiling at her.

"Just this really cute boy, he's got blonde hair and pretty blue eyes. He looked down blushing.

"You think i'm cute?" He asked smiling at her.

"I need a girlfriend." Rory said plopping down on the bed.

"Kie" Mar said looking at her sister in the mirror.

Rory had on a tank top with a bikini under it with jean shorts. Mar had JJ's tank top on with a bikini under it and shorts that you couldn't see. It had been a cut off he did and it matched the one he was wearing but this one said budlight on it while his said tequila.

"She's not into girls." Rory said making her sister turn around and look at her.

"How would you know. You've never asked." Rory sighed knowing her sister was right.


The three teens headed to the beach a little early to help the other three set up.

"Hey y'all!" Rory said standing up in the back seats. They look the top off of the jeep and Rory wouldn't sit down.

"Rory. If you fall out your death will be on my hands." JJ said, he drove because Mar didn't want to.

"Rory!" Mar said grabbing her hand and pulling he down to the seat.

"Ok mom and dad" She said rolling her eyes. The three got out of the car and ran down to the beach.

"Holy shit Mar. What the fuck happend?" John b asked looking at her face.

"Rafe" She shrugged. "Can I have a beer?" She asked before he gave her one. That's what she told the other two when they asked. Just Rafe no explanation.

She didn't wanna explan.


JJ and Mar stayed side by side all not. Only leaving each other to go get refills. Mar beat JJ in a chugging contest and they just played stupid games like that all night.

"John b!" Mar yelled running up to him and hugging him.

"Yo, what's up?" He asked looking back at JJ who followed behind the blonde girl with a goofy grin on his face.

"I got this for you. Want this one? I cut this one off." JJ said holding out the cup for John b.

"Oh my gosh! Sarah!" Mar running up and giving her a hug.

"Hey Mar! Holy shit. I heard what happened I didn't think he did this shit. I'm so sorry are you ok?" Sarah asked giving the blonde a hug.

"Yeah, yeah. You know it's not like it hasn't happend before y'know." She said smiling, that wasn't something she should be smiling about but she was having a good time and wasn't gonna let this conversation ruin it.

"Hey, hey Sarah!" JJ said walking to where Mar and Sarah were. He wrapped his arm around Mars shoulder.

"Sarah, can I interest you in a tasty Milwaukee beverage?" JJ asked holding out the cup he was just offering John b.

"No, thanks." Sarah said looking at JJ then at Mar who looked like she was about to fall asleep.

"Is it not fancy enough for you?" JJ asked.

"No. We were just leaving."

"Hey, you know what? i'll take it. Thank you man. I appreciate it." Topper said trying to take the beer out of JJ's hand.

"That's nice, but I didn't ask you. Now if you said pretty please maybe." JJ said teasing the boy.

"Oh, pretty please." Topper said and then JJ tried to offer it to Sarah once again. Topper splashed the beer all over JJ and Marley.

"What the fuck dude." Marley said jumping at the touch of the liquid. JJ took one look at Marley before shoving Topper. Hard. John b grabbed JJ and then Marley grabbed the back of his shirt.

"Your so funny, man." JJ yelled from over John b's shoulder.

"Dirty Pouges!" Topper yelled as he walked away John b went after him.

"John b don't!" Mar yelled trying to grab the back of his shirt to.

"John b! We're supposed to be incognito, remember?" Pope yelled as he got beside Marley. Topper punched John b to the group.

"Guys stop!" Sarah yelled. Mar grabbed her hand before she got hit.

"Hey, John b, don't make me drown you like your old man, all right?" Topper yelled. Mar tried to take off running but JJ grabbed her.

"John b let it go man!" Pope yelled.

"Topper stop!"

"Come on John b!" Rory yelled from besides JJ.


"John b!" John b got topper pushing him down into the water.

"Come on, topper! Let's go!" John b yelled at the boy who go up from the water and charged him they threw punches back and forth before Topper grabbed John b and started to hold him under water.

"No!" Marley cried out grabbing onto JJ, he looked down at the small girl that grabbed him shirt she was shaking and scarded, he kissed her forehead before giving her to Rory.

"He's got a gun!" The group of people who were cheering on the fight run off the beach. The other people left were Mar, Rory, Pope, Kie, and Sarah.


"JJ! Put the gun down."

"Woah! Go JJ! Shoot that bitch!" Rory yelled only to see all the dirty looks that got her.

"Jay." Mar said as she ran into the water to get John b. She pulled him up out of the water so he was laying on her lap.

"Kie! Can you check your psycho friend, please?" Sarah yelled at Kie.

"Shut the fuck up Sarah maybe get your psycho boyfriend who just tried to drown John b!" Mar yelled from in the water, she didn't care about Kook or Pouges or who she was friends with or not. She cared about getting John b and all her friends home safe.

"Okay, everyone, listen up! Get the hell off our side of the island!" JJ yelled letting two bullets ring through the air.

"Are you crazy? You idiot!" Pope pushed JJ.

"Stupid!" Kie yelled.

"I was saving his life okay?" JJ yelled defending himself.

"He was helping! I didn't see either of you helping, he was gonna fucking kill him!" Rory yelled defending her best friend.

"Disapprove on his actions later help me!" Marley said pulling John b up and out of the water by herself.


"I heard there was a fight on the beach yesterday and a gun was involved." Peterkin said as she questioned John b.

"Did I get into a little dust up? Yes. Was there a gun? No." He said trying to covering for JJ.

"Don't worry I know who it was i'll get to him, right next to I assume?"

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