2. (Ferrus Manus)

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Author's Note: So I've decided to do all the Ferrus Manus oneshot chapters since the first few of them are going to be following the same story of chapter 1, and also for these oneshots, Ferrus knows that her hands are Necrodermis, unlike her male counterpart. The other Primarch's will get the same treatment, so don't worry if your favorite doesn't get a chapter for a while. Each one's gonna get their chance to shine, though some probably more so than others. Now, no with the show!!!

2nd person Y/N POV

Not long after you and Ferrus confessed your feelings to each other, she had you transferred from a direct combat role as to avoid you getting hurt again on the battlefield. And thanks to the Eldar attack on Mercia being repulsed by the Iron Hands, Ferrus was able to bring her splinter crusade, herself, and you back to Medusa, the Iron Hand's stronghold and center of their Legion's power and primary source of recruiting and training new Iron Hand Legionnaires. Since Ferrus didn't really need to directly govern Medusa or the many other planets under the control of the Iron Hand's Legion, she got to spend nearly all of her time with you aside from having to resolve other issues that required the Queen of Medusa's input.

Currently, you could be seen with Ferrus hiking up to a mountain top. Ferrus had easily reached the first landing of the mountain thanks to her enhanced endurance and because she was already very good at hiking and climbing up mountains. You, however were lagging behind due to you still recovering from the wounds you sustained on Mercia. The reason you were hiking with Ferrus was because the doctors told you to be constantly working your right leg and left shoulder to help rebuild the muscle and strength in your injured limbs to prevent them from becoming unusable, effectively making you into a cripple. At most you had to work them for as long as two months before you could reliably use your leg and shoulder without any long-term repercussions.

You were only a week away from full recovery, and in that time, you had made good progress on building further strength in your body thanks to Ferrus' help with a good workout routine on your limbs and because she always worked out with you to keep you going. But in that time, you got to see the brutal and cold side of Ferrus that while you knew existed because of her attitude toward normal human commanders, still made you sometimes feel like you were just an annoyance to Ferrus that distracted her from fighting, warring, or anything that had to do with battle. While she was much more lenient on you because of you being her SO, she would always push her limits and by extension she always pushed your limits. Ferrus was currently standing at the top with one hand on her hip while you struggled to get to the top with fatigue starting to take its toll on your body. Once you made it to the top, you struggled to keep yourself on your feet as you breathed heavily from exhaustion. But you knew you couldn't rest for long when Ferrus was around as she hated being held back by anyone, including you, "Pick yourself up. We're gonna make it to the top before sunset." Ferrus told you, you were both getting to the top before sunset which was why you had started very early in the morning around nearly 4 o'clock in the morning and had been hiking together for the last four.

You felt tired, cold, and hungry from a lack of rest, food, and because it was still early morning and the sun had only just come out. But Ferrus showed no sign of fatigue, hunger, or cold affliction, even though she was only wearing what you could describe as half a Roman robe that wrapped around her waist and went down to her knees, and was held up by a chain belt with a gun holster hanging to her right. She wore the left shoulder pad of her battle suit, a large pair of steel toed hiking boots on her feet, and the largest sports bra you've ever seen a woman wear. All without feeling or showing any symptoms of cold fatigue on her body! You rubbed your gloved hand between your closed thighs to try and get some warmth into your fingers, but Ferrus was impatient with wait for you any longer, "Keep up! And stop doing that! This is all to make you stronger." Ferrus shouted back at you as you saw her already going up the next path of the mountain.

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