Rescue You (Yandere Cordelia Goode)

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Moving was never easy. Starting over after the death of a loved one was an agony. You tried to find solace in God, but bad things kept happening. The undead attacking the neighbors you and your brother chose to protect, you all got shot in a drive-by. After you gasped awake, apparently resurrected, you were alone in the new house. Luke was in the hospital; Mom wasn't brought back due to her relationship with the neighbors. 

You wanted to pack up the house and move for when your brother was able to move. But you'd never done anything like that before. You were still figuring out how to keep the house in order. Paying bills was stressful but at least you didn't make much of a mess on your own. 

A knock at the door startled you from your stewing thoughts. You ate at work, but at home, you were trapped in the past. You were surprised to find a very important woman for the witch's house on your porch. Nan was at Luke's bedside every time you visited so you assumed the witches were done with you. "Good evening, Ms. Ramsey. I heard the sirens last night and wanted to check on you." She held out one hand. 

You could see her scarring poking out from behind her sunglasses so you mostly knew she was blind. And yet you didn't know the constraints of magic. You hoped she couldn't see your blood-shot and puffy eyes. "I'm fine, thank you." Little did you know, shaking Cordelia's hand told her everything. 

She saw how much you'd been crying; she saw the cruelty and it made her blood boil. Her own mother was abusive, but Joan did as the pilgrims did and used your religion against you. You carried so much guilt, like you were a bad person or Christian when your mother was the vile one. "Well, would you like some company anyway?" 

You dropped the connection, turning away. Your first impulse was to say no because mom never let anyone not from your congregation over. Her excuse for everyone else was that the house was a mess because you and Luke had neglected your chores. You looked back at the spotless house and debated your response. Since the shooting, all you had done was clean, work, or pay a bill from the mail. Taking a deep breath, you stepped back and held the door wider. "I wouldn't say no." You were so tired in general and spoke softly. 

Cordelia smiled and stepped inside, using her cane to step through the door. She reached her hand in your direction, and you took it, leading her to the sitting room. 

"Um, there are three places you could sit. The rocker or one of the two sofas. Would you like something to drink? I have iced tea, some black tea bags and Mother's kettle, coffee, water, or one of Luke's Gatorades." 

The blonde maneuvered through the area alone. "Some herbal tea sounds lovely. So long as you don't mind." 

"I don't. Make yourself comfortable." And you were already gone, into the kitchen to make yourself a cup of coffee and stare off into space while the water slowly boiled. It was so off having someone in your house right now, but you had to admit, you had self-isolated recently. Or were made isolated, more so in these last months. 

Unbeknownst to you, Cordelia was still wandering the living room, touching everything. She was trying to coax a vision, but everything in the room had been cleaned so all she was getting was grief you couldn't avoid. She wanted to explore your bedroom, but would never find it. She felt her magic do something and tapped her feet to discover she was not on tile but carpet. She and her whacking cane found your bed, not used recently, a dresser that gave her nothing, and then your desk. She touched a laptop full of homework, church information, and secret sapphic stories? Cordelia grinned to herself. She touched a small metal bump in the surface of the desk. It gave her a flash of you looking in a bathroom mirror, appearing like one from High School. You were crying and washing your shirt. She also saw three mean girls laughing in a cafeteria. Then it flashed to your mother scolding you for embarrassing her with your tears. She found a perfume bottle so the desk acted as a vanity too, but that was a sin.... A very twisted glee erupted in the witch's chest. Her hand rested back on that cold metal and she saw you in your kitchen, making a tea tray. You had been crying. She picked up the device in her hands, fingers wandering. It was an antique handheld mirror, and it must have meant a lot to you because next she saw you actually having a good time, laughing with a boy. Of course, you would be punished for this as well. Luckily, the kettle whistling woke the blind woman from her vision and she pocketed the mirror. In an instant, she was on a sofa. Her expanding power excited her, and it seemed to be connected to you. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02 ⏰

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