Untitled Part 13

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she smiles widely at him, grabbing his hands and spinning around the palace floor.

Shes the happiest shes ever been in her life. why has she never felt so blissful before? its exhilarating!

"Come on!! Dance with me, no one is watching anyway!!" she says, smiling brightly at him to which he simply smiles back, allowing me to pull him around the floor like a swan.

But people were watching they were watching and judging the girl dancing about the floor gracefully. looking like she's having the time of her life with her gleeful smile.

 She smiles brightly, looking at him, and he smiles in return.

"I'm not real," He says with a soft smile

"What do you mean?" She asks with a slight laugh, looking at him as she dances around the room with him. "Of course, you're real, silly. I'm holding on to you right now,"

He smiles, gently caressing her cheek. "No, you're mistaken, love... None of this is real." He whispers, pulling her into his arms.

"You need to wake up." He whispers.

"What?" She- no, I say, looking at the man of my dreams.

All of it comes crashing down on me, I look at him, tears in my eyes, the dream fading slowly as i awaken.

"No, no I want to stay," I say, holding on to him tightly, tears flowing down my cheeks as i watch him fade from view.

"You'll see me again someday love, I promise." He says, letting go of my hands and allowing himself to fade, a smile on his face.

A face I cannot remember.

A face that haunts my dreams, my nightmares, my everything. and all I can think is..

"How do I get back to him?"

All I can think is how can one be this way? 

I never thought anything like that was possible... because it isn't, it's all a silly thought. a newborn star that shines in my head, and will live until it runs out of light, until it runs out of air to breathe.

And I would tell you his name, but I can't, because there isn't one...

The bodies in the graveyard of my mind.Where stories live. Discover now