An intense thirst

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"I am a butterfly trapped in his cage. Unwilling and unable to escape."
-Mishti Sultan Zafrani.


The atmosphere in the Zafrani household was already tense, the air thick with unspoken anticipation.

But that tension amplified tenfold when Sultan entered, Mishti and Karthik trailing behind him.

Rosenara Begum, Sultan's mother, scrunched her face in displeasure, her brow furrowed.

Behind her, Rokeya, Sultan's aunt, matched her expression, her lips pressed into a tight, disapproving line.

"Now, what is this drama, Sultan?" Rosenara demanded, her voice laced with underlying anger.

"They are going to live with us from today, Ammijaan," Sultan announced, his tone steady, almost matter-of-fact.

Rosenara's expression darkened further. "Are you trying to imply that without a marriage?" she spat, her voice rising. "I won't allow this. We have already let you take your decisions, but I am not letting you four live under the same roof without a marriage."

Sultan squared his shoulders, a determined glint in his eyes. "Then it's fine, let's do the nikaah. I am ready for it," he stated, the words leaving his lips before anyone could react.

The room fell silent, all eyes turning to Mishti, who looked almost traumatized by the sudden turn of events.

The weight of the decision pressed down on her, and she felt her heart race with a mix of fear and the overwhelming realization that her life was about to change in ways she couldn't yet fathom.

Rosenara begum,Sultan's mother, a wise and compassionate woman, spoke up. "I don't have any expectations from you, but at least ask what Dua wants. Is she ready to sit for the nikaah now?"

Dua, a quiet and reserved young woman, was summoned. She happily agreed, casting a glance at Mishti, who could only return it with a look of despair.

Mishti was escorted to a private room and fitted in a stunning bridal dress, the intricate embroidery and vibrant colors transforming her into a vision of a Muslim bride. Her heart sank as she stared at her reflection, realizing the reality of the situation.

Rokeya's heart was filled with an intense hatred that burned like a raging fire. She was determined to poison Rosenara's ears, convincing her that this was all a great loss for their family.

"It's our loss. Entirely our loss," Rokeya said bitterly. "Our daughter is marrying a man who has nothing, but he will gain everything through her. And on top of that, we have to take responsibility for his sister, who will live lavishly in the Zafrani house. We got nothing out of this."

Rosenara listened, her expression darkening as Rokeya's words sank in. They both watched as Dua and Mishti descended the stairs, looking beautiful in their bridal wear. Dua's face was beaming with happiness as she gazed at Karthik, but Mishti's expression was subdued, unable to match Dua's joy.

They were about to have two weddings - Dua and Karthik's Hindu ceremony, and Sultan and Mishti's Muslim ritual. But Sultan was still nowhere to be seen.

A shadowy figure moved swiftly through the dimly lit room, eyes scanning every corner for the precious file. Sultan's presence took him by surprise as the booming voice echoed behind him.

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