A glimpse of their past

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There's something sharper and dangerous than my gun

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There's something sharper and dangerous than my gun. You want to know what?


Your eyes.


         Mishti sat on the bench, her chubby cheeks glistening with tears.

                 The recess bell had rung, but she couldn't find the energy to join the other students playing on the schoolyard.

       Her best friend Roshan approached and sat down next to her.

                 "Why are you tolerating him, Mishti? Why aren't your uncle and aunt going to the police?" he asked, concerned.

                Mishti sniffed. "I don't know, Roshan. I'm just so scared of him. I can't be his wife," she said shakily.

             Roshan clenched his fists. "Of course not! I've heard about Sultan Zafrani from my dad. He's not a sane man, Mishti. If you become his wife, he'll beat you, abuse you."

               Mishti's eyes widened. "I don't want to be his wife, Roshan," she said in a small voice.

           "I know," Roshan said, taking her hands in his. "And I want to help you, Mishti." His eyes met hers intently.

          Mishti gasped, taken aback by the intensity of his gaze. "Roshan?" she breathed.

        "Mishti, I really like you. I really, really do," Roshan said earnestly. "I was hoping that after we finish our studies, I will tell you." He trailed off, suddenly feeling self-conscious.


              Her heart raced as Roshan revealed a side of himself she had never seen before. The intensity in his eyes made her unsure how to respond.

           "I can't bear to see you suffering alone," he said, grasping her hands. "I want to help you out of this mess."

          Mishti felt tears welling up. "No, Roshan, don't. He'll come after you too. I don't want to put my best friend in danger because of my problems."

         "But that's why we have to do something!" Roshan insisted. He took a deep breath, then looked into her eyes. "Mishti, let's get married."

         Mishti's eyes widened in surprise. "What are you saying? We're still in school! This isn't right."

          Roshan nodded solemnly. "I know it's not ideal, but we need to do one wrong to prevent an even bigger wrong. Mishti, please try to understand. If we get married, then Sultan Zafrani won't be able to come after you anymore. It's the only way to protect you."

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