Bruised and battered

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Mishti's POV

I could hear someone tapping on our door. I wanted to get up and open it, but the weight above me kept me pinned down.

I stared up at him. His lips were locked onto mine, hungrily devouring me. There wasn't a single part of my body that he hadn't claimed as his own.

I didn't understand how my body could be so intoxicating to him that even after taking my virginity, he still couldn't get enough. I squirmed beneath him, trying to make him understand my discomfort.

He finally raised his face, looking into my eyes. "What?"

"'s time to wake up. Someone is calling for us."

"But I'm not done," he murmured against my lips. I gasped, overwhelmed by the intensity of his desire. What kind of insatiable beast was he? I could barely keep up with his voracity - he had kept me awake all night, and now he wanted more. His eyes were fixed hungrily on my lips as he opened his mouth to kiss me again.

I felt the tears welling up in my eyes, threatening to spill over. I tried to make an excuse, saying, "But...I'm a new bride. If I stay holed up in the bedroom, what will the other family members think?"

Sultan looked at me intently. "What do you think I married you for, Mishti?" he said, fisting his hand in my hair but not hurting me. He stared into my eyes for a moment before saying, "Fine, go. But don't do any work if Bua orders you to."

I was terrified of that woman. But I was even more afraid of Sultan. I sprang to my feet, hastily slipping my panties back on, not daring to look at Sultan. I could feel his eyes burning into my bare back.

"Should I bring you some tea?" I asked tentatively.

"Why do I feel like this is just an excuse for you to stay away from me?" he said, narrowing his eyes. "Fine, bring it."

I walked out of the room and immediately saw Bua. She shot daggers at me with her eyes, saying, "You were still sleeping? Have you seen the time? Who will do the morning chores now?"

"I...I was just going there. What do I have to do?" I said meekly, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Wait," Sultanji rumbled behind me. He gave Bua a crude look, making it clear that he had already stated his wife would not be doing any work.

Bua stammered, "Sultan, you didn't go to work till now?"

"No," he said, meeting my eyes. "At this moment, I only have one work."

Bua said, "I was...never mind. I'll tell the servants. Mehedi...Mehedi..."

"Mehedi isn't home," Sultan interrupted.

Bua looked confused. "Where did he go?"

Sultan's tone sharpened. "Didn't you send him away so that you could make my wife do everything?"

Seeing the situation worsening, I reached out and placed my hand on Sultan's chest, trying to diffuse the tension. "It's fine, Sultanji," I said gently. He raised a brow, and I quickly removed my hand, silently scolding myself for the inappropriate touch.

He looked confused, and even a bit displeased. I swallowed hard. "Sorry..." I murmured, wracking my brain for a way to make this better. "I can do some chores, if you'd like."

Sultan studied me, his expression a mix of confusion and displeasure. "Are you going against my words, Rabbit?" he asked sternly.

"No, I just...I thought doing chores would help me feel like I belong here, that I'm truly the daughter-in-law of this house," I explained, my voice small.

Sultan(18+)Where stories live. Discover now