1 (2) Lila

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Your pov

Lila and I have been friends for 2 years now! We both decided to join a kids hockey team and we're both going to be in the same 1st grade class! She's my best friend and I wouldn't choose anyone else!

"Hey y/n!" I smile "hey Lila! How was your summer break!" I saw her smile grow and I felt happy for her. "It was amazing! I met these two cool girls who will be going to our school and they were so nice and popular! I'll introduce you to them sometime!" I hang up my backpack "sure that sounds nice!" Our teacher for this year was a man named Mr humop, he was chill and cool although he kinda sucked at teaching math.


"Y/n can you answer what 4×7 is" I pause "uhm...28?" I answer unsure "correct, wow have you been studying because you're really smart" I smile while some other people just start whispering.


I get picked up and I go home. Mommy picks me up because Daddy is prepping dinner.

"So hunny how was school today?"."it was alright I guess, just boring" I answered honestly. "Sooo, can Lila come over today?" I say Crossing my fingers "alright she can come over" I hooray as the car parks and I get out.

"Hi daddy" I say entering the house and dropping my backpack on the floor.
"Hey, you better pick that up" mommy says. "Alright" I pick it up and head upstairs while I hear my dad chuckle a bit.

"Hmm who do I wanna play with" I say staring dead I'm the face at pixie, looloo, Mary, and red Bear. "I choose red Bear!" I say grabbing him and putting him in toy ice skates before sitting him down on a purple chair and having a tea party.

"Alright red Bear, today I'll teach you how to be ladylike. First when you take a sip of tea you hold you pinky up like this. Got it?" I say with good posture and my head tilted up a bit with my pinky sticking out. "Alright next-" I land with an "oof"

"H y/n!" "Lila!" I say having her "I'm so happy your here! I was just having a tea party with redBear!" Lila looks at me like I'm weird "tea party? Tea parties are for babies. Come on let's paint each others nails!" Lila looks so excited so I just nod "I want purple!" Lila glares at me "sorry but I'm getting purple". I sigh "then I'll take..." I look through the colors "yellow".

"Mommy! Look we did our nails!" Me and Lila go to the kitchen and show off our nails. "Awh they're so cute" mommy says pinching my cheeks while I just get a side eye from Lila.

"Alright kids, dinners ready!" I run to the table and sit in my spot. "What'd you make daddy!" Daddy chuckles "I made macaroni pie (Mac and cheese homemade and then you bake it) and chicken legs" I practically drool as I get my plate"yumm!" Lila also gets her plate and she starts chowing down and I do the same.

"Daddy, mommy how do you guys cook so well!" They laugh "we use seasoning and actually cook things right" I laugh "alright you two, wash up and get to bed" mommy says and I run upstairs and Lila follows "why do you call your parents mommy and daddy? It's so childish and cringe" I look towards her and something inside me hurts. "It's kinda hard to stop calling them something that you've called them your whole life" Lila sighs and gets out her pj's.

"Do you wanna shower first or should I" I get out my hockey PJs "I'm not gonna shower, I already showered at my house on Monday" I pause and try to not make a disgusted look "but it's Wednesday" Lila just says that it doesn't matter and I head to the bathroom and shut the door "she has a nicer bathroom than me and she hasn't showered in three days...ew" I get into the shower and think.

"Last time she didn't shower for a week and flies kept going all over her in class. She was called Mrs smelly for a week, to which I stood up for her. She was being a bit rude today though. Should I question it....nah it's alright. This water feels really nice. It's warm and I feel clean and the soap smells amazing..."

I finish showering and I head back to my room to find Lila pulling redBear. "Hey! That's mine!" I say snatching it away. "Sorry y/n I didn't mean to make it look like I was breaking it I was just feeling it" I feel a bit guilty as she explains so I apologize. "Sorry, it's just, redBear is my favorite." She is
Scoffs a bit which I bat an eye to.

"No, I'm sorry y/n...uhm..hmm..I shouldn't have touched your silly duck" "duck?" I look at readbear and then at Lila. "It's a bear"

After I said that Mommy comes in and tucks us both into bed and we go to sleep.

4 months later

I walk down the hallways and random kids look at me.

"Hey I heard you still call your mom mommy" one kid laughs and I just feel embarrassed. "how would they know" is all I can think about.
The year goes on like this and people make comments here and there until the last day of school a girl tells me Lila told everyone and I confront her.

"Why would you say those stuff?" "What do you mean" her voice was snarky. "Fine, if you don't wanna be friends then you can be alone" when I say that she rushes up to me

"no, I'm sorry I didn't know it would get out. Please don't leave me. Your so pretty and really talented and your so nice." I smile "alright we can be friends but don't do something like this again".

We make a handshake and leave it in the past.


Here I come Summer break!

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