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pic of the loml!!!


When I pulled away from Sam I immediately stopped crying because I realized we were in public and people would see me being a pussy. Honestly, I dont really know why I was crying it just...happened.

"Let's go get you cleaned up." I tugged on Sam's hand an led him upstairs to my room as the echoes of "boo's" piped down but the music didn't.

In my room I had to kick out a naked couple that was um, doing the naughty on my bed. It was horrifying.

I told Sam to sit on the bed as I turned on the lights. When I turned around his face was a little worse then I assumed but he would be fine.

I could see a bruise started to shade on his face. I touched it gently hoping not to hurt him but he still flinched under my touch.

"So I'm guessing that hurts."

"Obviously." He sassed still looking at me as I examined his face. I held his chin lightly and made him turn his head.

"Sam you don't look too bad." I smiled lightly trying to lift up the mood. Just as I said that Saige came in.

"There you are, love." He spoke as he closed the door walking towards us. I rolled my eyes while looking at Sam still smiling.

"Watch it pal!" Sam interjected.

"Don't fight me too!" He joked. Too soon probably.

"I have a bone to pick with you!" I told him as he appeared by my side. "Why wouldn't you let me jump in?! Cameron was yelling total bullshit!" I recalled becoming angry.

"Wouldn't want to see you get hurt!" Saige said casually.

"Thanks but I can handle myself -"

"Wait you wanted to jump in the fight?" Sam interrupted.

"Yes! I was so mad!" I explained, "Nothing he said was true! I wanted to punch for making me sound like such a slut. I just don't understand why he'd deny the truth. What an asshole! I want to strangle him! He knows he was the one who kissed me -"

"Saige just go get the first aid from downstairs please." Sam told him calmly as he interrupted, again. He just nodded and left with that.

Sam held both my hands and stood up passing up my height.

"Why would you want to get in? That would've been as stupid thing to do!"

"How so?!" I pulled hands from him and crossed my arms challenging him. I kept a serious face because his face all bruised with cuts and dried blood made him look more intimidating rather than vulnerable.

"You could of gotten hurt."

"I could of defended my self!"

"I was already doing that for you!"

"You didn't need too!" I countered.

"Yes I did! If I didn't teach him a lesson who would of!!?"

"Me! I could of! I could of done it myself, but I didn't feel the need to!"

"Then why did you want to get involved?"

"Because he started making up lies! I would never cheat on you and he was making it sound like I did!"

"Technically you did."

I stood there dumb founded and astonished, he didn't believe me.

"I don't believe this! You think I was the one who kissed him! You'd believe him and not me? My boyfriend, my own fucking best friend thinks I'd do something like that!" I shouted, "You know what Sam you're full of shit too. Have I ever given you a reason to think I look at other boys that way beside you?"

"No but -" His eyes got a little softer but I was still furious.

"Exactly! So why would you even say that?!"

"Because technically kissing someone other than your boyfriend is cheating!" He yelled.

"Sam its you! I want you but you're not even listening to the truth."

"Then tell me, go on." He crossed his arms now scowling waiting for me.

"We parked at Walmart, he tried to tell me I could cheat on you without you knowing, he said something about his ego, he kissed me, I kissed back for a second I SWEAR, then I I punched him that's all that happened!"

"See so you did!" He fumed.

"But I stopped as soon as a realized what I was doing!" I shot.

"You still kissed back!"

"But was I the one all over him like he said? No!" I reminded, "You know Sam I'm done defending myself to you for the night. Maybe I should be with Cameron my new boyfriend because that forced kiss was enough to make me swoon! Maybe you should stitch your own face! Maybe I should of went into his arms not yours! I told you the truth and if that's not enough, Goodbye." With that I turned around and started walking out my own room.

He then grabbed my arm and the twirled me around to face him again with both my hands in his so I couldn't just leave.

"Ross wait, I'm sorry. I just hate the fact that someone other than myself got to even touch you. I hate it. And I hate that you kissed him. When you told me you did I thought I had to hurt him just as much, really. I'm sorry I'm just mad." He sighed. His facial features showed somewhat remorse but I feel guilty too. I regret that kiss.

"Sam why wouldn't you believe me? Just talk to me when your not mad." As I tired to walk away again he cupped my cheeks and kissed me passionately. I comprehended what was happening and kissed back. He winced.

"Are you okay?!" I asked suddenly worried.

"Perfect." He smiled, "Now tell me, could Cameron kiss you like this?"

He pushed me down slowly on the bed and started hungrily kissing me, suddenly I felt him grasp my ass. I gasped and he slid his tongue in.

We were French kissing for a couple minutes until we broke apart for a couple of seconds gasping for air. My hands were above my head held by his and we just stared at each other. He looked really sexy with all the bruises and his hair tousled, but also very godly just hovering over me with his intimate stare.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"I'm sorry too, Sam. I feel really bad."

He stared at me a couple seconds as if seeing if I meant it.

"Want me to make you feel good?" He smirked deviously.

I chuckled and just nodded.

We were only a few seconds into the make out session again until Saige interrupted.

"Found the first aid kit..." He trailed.

Sam and I just giggled. He leaned in for another kiss but I rolled away.

"Sam we still haven't cleaned up your face cmon." I teased.




btw I'm just going to start updating when I have time bc sometimes I enjoy just writing and not having to wait so here ya go!!! 💘


anyway vote/comment ILY ALL

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