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Nashville was boring to me. They had shows nonstop and nothing fun, like no spare time.

We are currently in Austin now.

I have to admit Cameron is doing a good job with this gentlemen guy thing. I want him to hurry up and give up so I can go back to old self this girl thing actually takes effort.

What happened to just throwing on sweats and a t-shirt? That was the life.

The boys plus Mahogany are performing right now, I'm just waiting for it to end because today they have spare time and we actually get to do something.


They finally met me back stage.

"Finally! Are you guys ready to go to the aquarium? It's boring back here." I groaned.

"Duh! But stop complaining you're the one who doesn't want to come on stage." My brother reminded.

"Yeah, okay let's go." I rushed.

"I'm not going you guys." Mahogany spoke.

"Oh, why?" I paused my hustle towards the exit.

"My mom flew in she's taking pictures for tour and wants me back at the hotel. She wants me to go take my stuff into her hotel room because she insists on my sharing with her." She explained.

"Aw, so we're not roomies?" I said disappointed, but knew there'd be more times where we room. Hey a chance for my own room this tour.

"Guess not." She shrugged, "Go have fun, bye guys."

With everyone calling a goodbye to her we left the venue.


"Woah!" Aaron shouted looking at the jellyfish.

I was walking with Sam.

"So, Samantha I see you enjoy preforming on stage with those boys." I head bopped to all the guys in from of us.

"Yeah-wait did you call me Samantha?" He looked at me like I was weird.

"Yep. I figured if you have a boy name for me I should have girl name for you." I smiled at the floor as a spoke.

"Okay fine, but yeah the guys are really cool." Sam said.

"What's the best part of preforming?" I asked as we trailed behind everyone else, slowly, due to conversation.

"The babes!" He grinned wildly.

"Figures you'd say that." I rolled my eyes with a stupid smile.

"What that supposed to mean?" He asked pretending to be offended.

"C'mon Sam, you and nate always talk about girls and question each other if they're 'baddies', so I already kinda knew the answer was girls but felt like asking." I replied nudging his arm.

"True, but wow you actually listen. I don't even remember half the conversations with him." Sam laughed.

"I guess." I shrugged.

"I miss Gina. How is she?" I asked.

"She's good, except she only goes on nonstop about how boring I am and the parties I go to suck. She only rambled about when she gets to see you again too." He explained.

I laughed lightly, "Sounds like her."

"Hey so what's the deal with the whole Summer thing? I was your fake girlfriend for what?" I reminded because the thought came to mind.

overconfident ; cameron dallasWhere stories live. Discover now