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As I was cleaning Sam's face, I realized something. I've changed so much. My appearance, how I'm acting, and the way I'm handling situations. This isn't who I want to be and the old me wouldn't approve.

Yes, the old me would want to be with Sam, but not like this. I kissed Cameron back -I admit it. And I liked it. Why am I so ashamed? Why did he have to go and say that?

I admit I enjoyed the kiss, I enjoyed his company, I enjoy him. I think my feelings have changed and this is just the wrong timing. I don't know. I don't know anything anymore. 

My own fucking boyfriend didn't believe me, so what am I supposed to do? He wouldn't fucking believe I wanted him or that I didn't like the kiss. Though I just realized I lied. I don't want to be in a relationship like this. I'm exhausted.

I didn't used to need boys and now I sudden;y do? No, it's not like that. I finally have Sam but I don't want him. I don't know what I want. 

"Saige, can you get out please?" I asked. 

"Alright, you kids use protection." He told. I faked smiled waiting for him to exit. 

"Sam, I don't want to do this."

"This as in...?" He was confused. We had just had a good moment and I'm about to kill it, but I don't care. 

"This as in, us." 

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I don't want to be together anymore." Short and simple

"Are you fucking serious right now?" His voice began getting louder.

I just kept my serious face letting him know I was.

"I just got in a fight for you and you're dumping me?!"

"Did I tell you to? No. I told you to leave it. Did you believe me when I said that I just wanted you? No. I don't want to be with you if you can't believe me or listen to what I say. When you were arguing you called me "my girl" I'm not a fucking trophy Sam. I'm a person and it just hit me that you're as thoughtless as Cameron." I huffed. 

"So we're back to him again, huh?" He chuckled sarcastically, "I can't believe this. I treated you so well and you wanna throw it away? I'm your best friend-"

"Maybe that's all you should've been." I mumbled as I rolled my eyes. I don't care how bipolar I sound. I just want this over with.

"You little bitch." He yelled at me.

"Excuse me?!" I exclaimed furious now. 

"You heard me. I cannot believe how ungrateful you are! After all we've been through. Rosa, I can't explain how stupid I feel right now to have not broken up with you first. I mean you're the one who cheated on me for christ sake and you're breaking up with me? Is it because of him? You know I thought I knew you because you were my friend too, but turns out you're a slut too." Sam scoffed, "Seriously how dumb are you to choose him over me?" He spat. 

I tried to collect myself but I was fuming. "Boy if you don't stop..." I tried to breathe right, but how dare he? Of all people he's talking to me like this?

"If I don't you'll what?" He opened his arms sarcastically taunting me. I saw my chance.

I kicked him in the balls -twice. Which got groans out of him. Once he was bent over I punched him in the jaw- hard. He was currently on his knees attempting to recuperate. 

"Ever fucking talk to me like that again I swear Sam Wilkinson I will find myself on the news for committing the crime of killing you. How fucking dare you disrespect me like that? Of all the people, you're taking a breakup like a pussy. I don't know if you can be anymore pathetic right now. I can't believe how stupid I was for dating you and not realizing how much of a dick you are! Get out of my room before I lose it again." I yelled furious. I made myself sound like a total bitch, but I wasn't going to take this from him. 

He began walking out slowly still holding his balls and crouching. 

He is so full of shit. I'm glad I did what I did before it was too late. I may have cheated but I admitted it. 



I attempted to find a bathroom, so I can clean myself up. They were either being used for baby making or throwing up so far. I went upstairs still in search. 

I finally found one, the one I used earlier to shower. I was still pinching my nose trying to stop it from bleeding. I locked the door. 

I soon began rinsing the blood off my face. 

I took a glance at myself in the mirror and felt so pathetic. Helpless. Because of the water it looked like the blood was flowing more. 

I wanted to cry, but I didn't. I held myself together an just stared. 

What am I doing with myself? 

I feel like stabbing myself in the neck with a fork so I can end my feelings. What the fuck man. I just got my ass kicked and made an ass of myself in front of a crowd. Perfect.

Why? I don't know. I just wanted him to be jealous of me for once because Rosa and I kissed. I wanted to make it seem like I didn't care about her and maybe after we fought, that I wouldn't. But I guess it doesn't work like that. When we were fighting I didn't even try to fight back, I didn't care anymore. I knew he'd get her even after the kiss, after the fight, after everything. Why try?

I figured might as well lie to everyone than admit my feelings, so I just put things in Sam's head making it seem like Rosa kissed me so he can beat the feelings out of me - hopefully, maybe - but no once again it doesn't work like that. I just want her to grow a dislike towards me and maybe she'll avoid me and it'll help me avoid my feelings. 

So, here I am looking at myself in the mirror ready to fall apart. I have a huge knot growing on my forehead, a black eye swelling, and bloody nose, busted lip, and for what? 

For some girl? For nothing. 

Cameron, you're better than this.

I kept trying to tell myself that a few more times in the mirror, but after about seven, I fell apart. I sat on the floor looking at myself so fucked up with tears gently sliding down my cheeks. 

I didn't bother to clean myself up, I just stayed in there crying throughout the whole night. What am I doing with myself?


Sorry I took forever to update. I hope you guys liked this chapter. I know the Cam pov suckedm sorry again


also please vote thanks. 

Ily guys so much you don't understand. 

Happy holidays. (-:


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2015 ⏰

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