First Day

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Y/n's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of my older brother, Garroth's, voice quietly saying my name as he continuously tapped my shoulder. I groaned as I gently rubbed my eyes before looking at my clock. It was 6:30. Why in the name of Irene was Garroth waking me up this early?

"What do you want Garroth?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes. My voice was groggy from having just barley woken up. "It's 6:30 in the morning... Why are you here?" Garroth smiled. "Just figured my baby sister wouldn't want to be late for her first day of high school," he smirked, sitting down on the edge of my bed.

"Don't call me that," I warned as I pushed him off my bed, using my foot.  He raised his hands in defence as I stood up and put on my dark blue slippers. "Hey, I'm only saying what's true!" he cried, with a little bit of a giggle 

"Get out of here!" I snapped, punching him in the shoulder. He grabbed his shoulder due to the pain, but kept a smirk plastered on his face as he left the room. Just as he entered the hallway, he turned back around, smirking at me again. "Hey! Don't be late! You don't want to get in trouble on your first day of high school, do ya?" I rolled my eyes at him as I shut my bedroom door, locking him out. Older brothers these days, am I right?

Once he was gone, I walked over to my closet and pulled out my school uniform. I sighed at it's appearance. I never did like dresses or skirts, in fact, I hate them. The colours didn't make it any better. I would normally wear a black or dark blue t-shirt with jeans. I wouldn't really consider myself emo, though most people did along with my twin brother Zane.

I put on the uniform, frowning at how I looked in it. It was unusual for me to wear something like this. I looked like... a different person. Like a girl who actually accomplished something in her life, which I obviously haven't. Irene, I haven't got a single friend apart from my brothers!

I quickly brushed through my long, black hair, letting it hang loose on my back. I put on my favourite choker chain - the one with the black star charm - and also put a couple bracelets on my right wrist. I slipped on my black Doc Marten's though, they didn't go with the uniform so I put on my white ones instead.

After I had finished getting ready, I headed downstairs where I saw Zane and my youngest brother - Vylad - sitting at the table. Zane had a book in his hand, while sitting at the kitchen island as he spooned soggy Rice Krispies into his mouth. Vylad on the other hand, stood by the toaster, buttering some toast with Marmalade. Zane looked up, a smirk growing on his face, as I came downstairs.

"Nice uniform," he laughed in his squeaky, high-pitched voice. I rolled my eyes at his comment before snickering at his uniform. "You don't look any better in your suit and tie," laughed, making his face fall. "Yeah, I know," he moaned. "I hate these uniforms! They're completely against everything I wear!" 

All Zane would ever wear was a black hoodie, black jeans and a pair of black and grey Doc Martens, along with a black mask. I swear, he could literally disappear in the dark with all the black he wears. Seeing him wearing a navy blazer, grey jeans and a tie looked very... odd. At least he was able to find a matching mask to wear.

I walked over to the toaster, putting a slice of bread in before leaning back against the countertop while waiting for it to toast. "Where's Garroth?" I asked as I waited for the toast to pop. Zane shrugged and he spooned up another spoonful of soggy Rice Krispies, Irene I don't know how he eats them like that. "You expect me to know where that idiot ran off to?" He asked before returning to his book.

"He left after he woke you up," Vylad said, sitting down at the kitchen island.  "What do you need him for?" 

"I don't need him for anything," I said. "I was just curious. I thought he would be hanging around here a little longer." Vylad shook his head. "No, he said he had to help with something at school," he said. "Speaking of which, we should get going. School starts soon."

Zane stood up, closing his book. He put it inside of his backpack as he brought his empty cereal bowl over to the sink. "You coming then?" He groaned as he walked to the front door. Vlyad and I nodded and followed after Zane as he walked out the door.


After a while, we arrived at school. I had seen the school before while passing by but now that I'm a part of it, it seemed so much bigger and new. I was honestly scared that I was going to get lost or walk into the wrong homeroom or something stupid like that.

"What's your homeroom?" I asked Zane as he looked at his timetable. "Same as yours," Zane replied as he began to walk off. I rolled my eyes at his ignorance before quickly, following after him. 

Zane and I walked to our homeroom and sat down in two seats at the back of the room. Once Zane was settled, he pulled out his book and began to read, completely ignoring me. I leaned back in my chair - bored out of my skull - as I noticed a girl with black hair rush in. She looked panicked and scared. She also looked very familiar to me, but I couldn't place where I had seen her before. She sat down in the other corner of the room next to a boy with white hair.


I snapped back into reality as the teacher called my name. "Here," I replied. He nodded and looked down at a pile of paper, reading off the next name. Soon came the name Aphmau.

"I'm here," said a squeaky voice to my left. I looked over to the girl. Aphmau... Why did that name seem so familiar to me? I had never seen her before. She must be new. I decided to leave it and turn my attention to the teacher as he told us what we would be doing on our first day of Phoenix Drop High.


Hey lovely readers~   I hope you have all enjoyed the first chapter of the rewrite! My writing style has changed so much so I knew that I needed to do a rewrite. I'm pretty much using the same dialogue as the original, but changing it to my new writing style and also adding more detail.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this story and I'll see you in the next chapter!


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