Making A Friend

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Zane and I walked to the gym along with the rest of our classmates. There were tons of booths set up there and we were supposed to be going around and choosing a club that we wanted to be in.

"What are you going to do?" I asked Zane, who had a bored look on his face. I guess even just looking at the booths bored him. He shrugged. "I don't know. None of them actually look that fun...," he muttered, looking around at all the booths. "What about you?"

I glanced around. "I don't know," I said. "I'm going to look around for a bit. You coming?"  Zane opened his mouth to speak when he noticed something on the other side of the room. I followed his gaze to see that he was looking over at a group of three. There were two boys and a girl. One boy had black hair and the other had brown hair. The girl had long white hair.

"I might actually go and hang out with them," he said, still staring over at them. I nodded. "Go ahead," I said. He smiled at me and ran towards the group. Seeing as I was now alone, I decided to take a look around at the clubs. There were 17 in total.

"Witchcraft, Soccer, Werewolf..." I muttered silently to myself. Zane was right... They all looked pretty boring. I eventually began to turn away, giving up on my search when one of the booths caught my eye.

"Theatre..." I whispered. I always have been one for theatre. No one in my family really knew about it, but I did. There seemed to be a few people signing up. I shrugged and walked over to the booth to sign up. As I walked up to the booth, I noticed the white haired boy for my homeroom there as well. I decided not to say anything and stepped into the line to sign up.

"Hey, you're in my homeroom, right?" Said a voice behind me. I turned to see the white haired boy standing behind me. I nodded. "Yeah, I am," I replied as I gave him a warm smile.

"I'm Travis," he said, holding out his hand. Hesitantly, I took his hand and shook it. "I'm Y/n Ro'Maeve," I introduced myself. Travis narrowed his eyes. "Ro'Maeve?" he questioned before stopping in thought for a moment. "I've heard that name before. Do you have a brother called Garroth?" 

I nodded. "Yeah. That's how most people know me; because of Garroth." Garroth has always been the golden child of the Ro'Maeve family, always the one who gets all the praise. Zane, Vylad and I just live in his shadow. Most of the time, people only know me or want to know me because of Garroth,

"Yeah, well that's cool," Travis stated before stopping. There was an awkward silence before Travis spoke again "So you're interested in theatre?" I nodded, "No one in my family knows it, but I've always kind of liked it."

"Cool, I've always liked it too," he began before noticing that the line had died down. "Well, I guess I better sign up. You should too if you want to join." He began walking towards the booth before stopping and turning to me, once again. "Hey, maybe we should hang out sometime."

I starred at him in shock. He asked me if I wanted to hang out? No one had ever asked me that before. Did he actually want to be my friend? I never had a friend apart from my brothers before so I was actually happy.

"Sure," I said, flashing him a friendly smile. "Sweet! I'll see you around then!" He said running off the the front of the booth. I stood and watched. I had just made a friend, or so I thought anyways... No one has ever asked me to be their friend before... And to be honest, I was actually exited.

I noticed Travis had left the booth and I walked over to the front to sign up. Behind the booth stood a girl with light blue hair. "Hey," she said, shooting me a warm smile. "You here to sign up?"

I nodded and she handed me the paper. I quickly signed my name on the sheet and handed it back. She looked down at the paper and then back up to me. "Alright Y/n. See you then," she said. I gave her a warm smile before thanking her and walking away.

I smiled as I walked away to the other side of the gym, happy I had managed to make a friend and get into a club. Maybe this school year won't be that bad. Maybe if I actually try to make some friends then I would enjoy high school.

I looked over at the group that Zane was with. He was still with them, chatting away with his high-pitched voice. The more I looked, the more I could see the annoyance in their eyes. They didn't want him there, Zane was just annoying them. Looks like Zane wasn't having much luck getting into their little "gang."

I shook my head and turned my back on them. I wasn't really up for helping him with that. Besides, I'm sure I'm going to hear ALL about it at home.

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