Garroth's Friends

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After school ended, I was walking out of the building, a happy smile on my face. I was glad to have my first day over but behind it all, I actually enjoyed my first day. I heard footsteps pounding behind me and I turned around, only to see Travis running up to me.

"Hey Y/n!" he called, stopping next to me. "Travis, hey!" I said, happily. He readjusted his backpack before continuing to walk with me. We walked through the school gates in complete silence. Neither of us knew what to say.

"Are you walking home?" Travis asked, breaking the silence. I nodded, "Yeah, I was waiting for Zane, but he seems to be taking his time so I decided to start walking." Travis nodded, flashing me a friendly smile, "Well, I guess I'll walk with you then."

"Sweet," I said smiling. "I would like that."

Travis smiled and we began to walk down the street, talking about random subjects. When we were about half way to my house, I heard pounding footsteps behind us. We both turned to see Zane running towards us, an angry look on his face. Once he caught up, he breathed heavily before starting to yell at me. "What the heck Y/n?!" he yelled. "I thought you were going to wait for me?!"

"Sorry," I said. "I didn't know how long you were going to take so I started walking with Travis." Zane looked at me for a moment like I was crazy when he noticed Travis. "Woah... there's an actual person here?" Zane asked, pretty shocked. You could tell that Zane hardly spoke to anyone, especially since he was so shocked after seeing Travis. 

"Yeah," I replied before introducing the two of them to each other. "Zane, this is Travis. Travis, this is my twin brother Zane." Travis held out his hand but Zane just looked at him before shifting his glace to me. 'Shake it!'  I mouthed to him. He rolled his eyes and hesitantly took Travis' hand, shaking it.

"Okay.... Well..." Zane stuttered, not really knowing how to handle the company of another person. There was an awkward silence before Zane cleared his throat. "I'm just going to head home... See you later, Y/n," he said picking up his pace and walked ahead of Travis and I

"So... that's your brother?" Travis asked, awkwardly. "Yeah," I replied. "He isn't really a 'people person' and to be honest, neither am I. You're the first person who actually wanted to hang out with me besides my brothers. And even then, there's only one I actually spend time with."

"Really?" Travis asked, shocked. I guess he didn't think that was the case at all. I nodded. "I think you're really cool to be around," he began before stopping for a moment. "Then again, I don't really have a lot of friends either... but I do have some. There's Aphmau, Dante, Dante's sister Grace, and you."

"That's more than I've ever had," I replied, shooting him a smile. Eventually we arrived at my house. "Well, this is my stop," I said. "So I'll see you tomorrow?"  Travis nodded, giving me a smile. "Yeah, for sure! See you then!" He said and continued walking down the street. I smiled and walked inside. I began walking upstairs when Garroth called me back down.

"Y/n! Come here for a minute," he called. I sighed and walked back down the stairs. "What do you want?" I growled in annoyance. He seriously couldn't just let me go upstairs after my first day of high school? What did he even want me for? To just get under my skin as always?

Garroth walked up to me, another boy and girl about his age were behind him. The boy had dirty blonde hair and baby blue eyes while the girl had light brown hair and ocean blue eyes. "Y/n, I want you to meet my friends, Laurance and Grace," he said as the two walked up beside him. "Hi there!" Grace said smiling at me. "Hey," Laurance said, holding out his hand to me.

"Hi," I muttered, taking his hand and quickly pulling back after we finished shaking hands. "So is that all you wanted?" I asked Garroth. "Or was there something else?" Garroth smirked, "Who was that boy you were talking to out there?" 

"He's just I friend," I said, rolling my eyes at my annoying older brother. Garroth looked at me, surprised, before starting to snicker. "Wow, you actually have a friend? I didn't know you were capable of that."

I glared at him and shook my head. I turned and went upstairs. I heard him laugh as I left. I walked into my room and closed the door. I wasn't dealing with his stupidness today. All I wanted to do right now was sit on my bed and read a book. Some day this has been...


Laurance's P.O.V

Garroth laughed as Y/n stormed upstairs. I smiled but it faded as Grace and I exchanged glances. "What?" Garroth asked us after a minute. There was a quick silence before Grace spoke up. "Are you guys always like this?" she asked. Garroth went silent as Grace and I exchanged another glance.

"Wow..." I said. I know what it's like to have a sister. I have Cadenza who teases me all the time but we don't fight enough to never get along. We actually get on pretty well, if I do say so myself. But this... what just happened between Garroth and Y/n told me that they don't get on, at all. "You should go easy on her," I said.

Garroth looked at me, raising an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" 

"I know that siblings fight a lot, I get it, but it isn't normal to fight this much," I began. "I mean, you've met my sister, Cadenza? You know that she teases me all the time, but not even we fight that much."

"Same with Dante and I, we always tease each other. Heck, he really annoys me sometimes but we still get on really well," Grace said. "But, to be honest Grace, you and Gene hate each other," I reminded her. "Laurance, that's not my point!" Grace cried. "You really aren't helping here!" Garroth giggled at Grace's frustration but then he stopped and sighed.

"I know. But she makes it so it's almost impossible. I'm surprised she even managed to get a friend," Garroth sighed, looking down at the floor. I looked to Grace who sighed. "Yeah, well just try and talk to her. Try to get along with her more, show her that you care about her," she said.

I looked at the clock. "Well, I better get going," I headed towards the door. "Same here. Laurance, wait up!" Grace called to me as I opened the door. Grace walked outside, waiting for me as I turned back to Garroth once again.

"Talk to her!" I said one more time before Grace and I left. 

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