Gifts they would get each other

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Luka to Andy:

A new skateboard/longboard because her last one either broke or she left it behind in Russia

The guitar he made that he was going to give her on their anniversary before they broke up

A new pair of Pointe shoes

Books she likes/has been waiting for

New Converse to match his

New headphones

Andy to Luka:

Modified guitar pic necklace with this engraved on it:
                       WHEN WORDS FAIL,
                          MUSIC SPEAKS

New headphones/earbuds

Latest Jagged Stone album (?)

A bunch of XY merch just so that they can BURN ALL OF IT together and then roast marshmallows over the flames and have a cute date with their friends

A bunch of XY merch just so that they can BURN ALL OF IT together and then roast marshmallows over the flames and have a cute date with their friends

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