Chapter 12 ~ Darkness unfolds ~

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~Tom's POV~

Did he finally discover the truth about my presence here? Maybe.. but he surely can't prove anything, I've been very vigilant in hiding my whereabouts at night.

I'm intrigued by Eva's reactions to me, I knew our brief encounter shook her world, but I didn't anticipate it being this intense. Soon, I might reveal my true power to her, but only if she proves worthy.. I sit on the desk as I observe Albus movements, he seems really stressed.. But the real question is, why would he come to me with anything, he has been observing me since school times and always got disappointed by no answers.

The dim light casting eerie shadows across the room, I can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the chaos I've subtly sown.
Albus may think he knows my every move, but little does he realize the depth of my cunning.
It amuses me to watch him scramble for clues, grasping at straws in his futile attempts to unravel the mystery.

 Eva, on the other hand, intrigues me in ways I never thought possible.
Her fear is palpable, her curiosity a beacon that draws me closer.
Perhaps it's time to show her just a glimpse of the power I hold, to test the limits of her resolve. 

Whoever attact her in the 3rd floor, he will pay.
At the end of the day I can not allow another monster roaming this lands, interfearing with my plans. This could ruin everything I have been working for since months.
It wasn't me, that is for sure, Albus may think so... Which might turn out in my favor when I prove him wrong. I gaze at Eva, she changed since the attack, I wouldn't say fearful, no that would be weak, but something else I can not quite pinpoint.

Albus, consumed by his inner turmoil, paces back and forth in his study, the flickering candlelight casting flickering shadows that dance macabrely on the walls.

Meanwhile, Eva sits by the window, her gaze fixed on the moonlit garden below.
Her thoughts are a tumultuous whirlpool of emotions, a mixture of fear and curiosity, uncertainty and determination.
She knows that the events of recent days have irrevocably changed the course of her life, plunging her into a world where nothing is as it seems, and everyone wears a mask of deception, but does she too? I will find out, for my part I enjoy this game and for their sake, it should stay this way. I hate getting bored.. 

"I have to tell you something which I wished was never necessary." Albus states, interrupting my thoughts. -"But the time has come where I have to tell you that Gellert Grindlewald escaped."

He folds is hands in front of his chest, seemingly bothered as he speaks. Hm. 
Grindlewald huh.. I have read about him at my time as a student. Fascinating. But also so simple. All he wants is power.

Albus continues, his voice laden with a mix of concern and resignation,
"We have no time to waste. Grindlewald's escape has set in motion a chain of events that could threaten everything we hold dear. We must act swiftly and decisively to prevent his nefarious schemes from coming to fruition."

I merely nod, a sense of anticipation stirring within me.
The game has taken an unexpected turn, and I relish the challenge it presents.
As Albus outlines his plan to apprehend Grindlewald and safeguard our world from his ambitions, I can't help but admire the intricate web of power dynamics at play.

With a steely resolve, I turn my attention to Eva, who now watches us with a mixture of awe and trepidation. The time for secrets and half-truths is over.. the truth must be laid bare, even if it plunges her into darker depths than she ever dared to explore.

Zoned out I slowly put my gaze back towards Dumbledore and blur out, "And why don't you fight him, Professor?" I starre at him, seeing him struggle giving me an answer.

Albus's eyes meet mine, a glint of sorrow and determination flickering within them.
"My dear - Tom," he begins, his voice tinged with a hint of weariness, "some battles are not meant to be fought with brute force. Grindlewald wields a power far darker and more insidious than any magic you or I possess. To combat him head-on would be to play into his hands, to dance to a tune of his making."

 I glench my fists, how dare he speak to me this way, I should show him what I am capable of, right here, right now. Soon Albus. Soon.

He pauses, as if searching for the right words to convey the weight of the situation.

"No, our fight against Grindlewald must be one of strategy, of unity, and of unwavering resolve. We must rally our allies, both old and new, and stand together against the tide of darkness that threatens to engulf us all."

Full of anger I turn to face Eva, her eyes reflecting a mix of fear and determination.
As I meet her gaze, I see a glimmer of courage flicker within her, a spark that promises to ignite into a blaze of defiance..There is something about her I can not pin point yet, but soon this knowledge will be mine too.

If only I could enter her head,... she blocks it masterfully, I admit. 
Good thing, I like a little challenge. 

Eva rises from her seat by the window, her expression a mix of determination and apprehension. "I will stand by your side, Albus," she declares, her voice steady despite the storm of emotions raging within her.
"We will face Grindlewald together, and we will not falter in the face of his darkness."
Albus nods, a sense of pride flickering in his eyes as he gazes at Eva. 

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