Chapter - 27

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Recap: Avinash and Sitara return home but get into a fight when Sitara tease Avinash with Mini.


A week passed by with Sitara failing hardly to keep her heart and its emotions under control around Avinash. She couldn't deny the fact that she enjoyed his company and the way he cared for her and the same goes with Avinash. He was totally protective over Tara despite the little fights and banters that were unevitable between them. He couldn't put in words the myraids of emotions he felt lately but he loved the feel and right now he was waiting for her in the living for the past 30 minutes and Sitara was in the room getting ready for their vacation. 

Sumanth instructed the gaurd to place the luggage in the trunk of the car and looked at Avinash who was looking at his watch and the stairs. Finally Sitara showed up dressed in a white shirt and blue jean with sneakers.

Avinash: You really test my patience Tara. You have been in the closet for an hour only to to get dressed up in this ? Seriously Tara ?

Sitara: I actually dozed off in the closet bored of choosing an outfit so finally ended up in this since your patience might have ran out.

Avinash: You what ? Crazy woman.

Sitara: Excuse me boogeyman, you made a plan without my consent and here I m being humble and agreed to travel with you so be thankful to me.

Avinash looked at Sumanth who took the cue and stepped out giving privacy. Avinash pulled Sitara and screwed her ear while she screamed in pain.

Avinash: You have been picking on me too much lately so this little mouth of yours is gonna be punished when we land at our destination. 

Sitara swat his hand and rubbed her ear to soothe the pain but she didn't miss to throw daggers at him through her eyes. Avinash chuckled and kissed her earlobes which instantly turned red. He held her wrist and dragged her out as they were running out of time. 

Sitara: Mr. Avinash get in your head that I will not step into the flight unless you reveal me the destination.

Avinash: No issues I will throw you over my shoulder and spank you while we board the plane.

Sitara smiled internally at his teasings yet had a poker face and joined him in the car. Sumanth joined them to the airport and Sitara was stunned to see the private jet. On seeing her rooted on spot looking at the plane Avinash carried her in bridal style bringing her out of trance.

Avinash: Come on beautiful, you will get to know the destination when the pilot will announce and I hope you will love our first vacation. We are gonna enjoy this week, having lots of fun.

Sitara: You will take me out for sight seeing, shopping spree.

Avinash: This is my first personal flight without any business involved and I m much eager to explore along with you.

Sitara: Ash, I have never been out of country. This is my first flight and first vacation too.

Avinash: Lets rock it then.

They got seated and buckled up the seats and Sitara was curious to hear from the pilot and her eyes were almost ready to pop out when she heard the destination to be Mauritius. She squealed in excitement and pressed her lips on his cheeks. She quickly retracted and bit her tongue as the kisses meant much more to her in recent days. She wasn't aware of Avinash's feel anymore but she was feeling weren't innocent anymore.

Avinash: What happened and why are you blushing now ? If you are embarrassed if the staffs would have seen you kiss me then be assured that we have complete privacy and they would appear only when we call them.

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