Class 1-A RUSH

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Shorter Chapter

"More examinees have passed, we're at 60 people now," Mera said on the speaker, "That means there are 40 spots left."

Sero speaks up, "We're running out of time. This is bad.

"Yeah. I knew we'd be in trouble if we got split. But at least we can probably do something about the group that's near us, and maybe even make a few points." Deku stated

"Really? What are you thinkin'?" Sero asked.

"Earlier, someone tried to outplace his classmates. He was panicking that he wouldn't get enough points in. Since his class attacked as a group. They'd definitely end up fighting over their targets," Deku started.

"What have I been saying, big numbers are big problems in a game like this. People get desperate and separate from the group. Giving any potential predator's to watch their prey." Y/N states.

"Can you not give a weird analogy?" Uraraka asked.

"Sorry." Y/N shrugs.

"In the beginning, we were told to hit weak points with balls, so it's easy to think of this as target practice. And without knowing our opponents' Quirks we're basically going in blind," Deku started going back to his idea, "But it's not easy or efficient to go after moving targets, 'cause after all, they'll be protected. Think about it. I first want to make sure there are trapped enough people for everyone in our class to pass."

"That's nice you want to be considerate but the problem is that we practically give ourselves a huge sign saying 'Here We Are'. But I will say i'm glad I came back for you," Y/N informs Deku, "But restraining opponents is smart, I'll give you that one."

"It's true that if we were just doing target practice, they'd only be able to tell whether or not we were good shots. There's more to this test than I originally realized," Sero explained.

"Shh!" Ochako hushed, "Listen, you guys. Does it sound like they're getting closer?"

"I'll go after them," Deku says.

"Excuse me?" Y/N questioned.

"I'll be a decoy so you can move. Be on the lookout for openings that'll let you immobilize people to get some points. Your Quirks are better at that than mine. I'm more of a fighter." Deku explains.

"A decoy. There's 4 of us, so, we'd need 8 people." Sero stated.

"Roger," Uraraka replied, "Sero. Let's do it."

Sero groans, "Okay, fine!"

"I guess I'll help play decoy so I'm not completely useless," Y/N said, getting up.

Deku nodded, "Okay. Move."


"SHIT SHIT SHIT!" Y/N yells as he runs as fast as he can.

He dodges many attacks as they fly at him, whether it be balls or Quirks. He was helping with leading people to Uraraka's booby trap. Had to lead people under the floating tape weighted by rocks. Y/N runs next to Deku, trying to somewhat catch up with his classmate. This was hard.

"RUN FASTER SERO!" Deku yells at Sero who is behind them.


Y/N jumps up with Deku when he grabs Sero. Y/N gets up to their level but falls quicker. Sero yelled at Ochako to drop the trap before Y/N landed and thankfully, he wasn't caught by the tape.

"Holy shit," Y/N crashes a few feet from his classmates.

He doesn't hear what they say since his Quirk is crashing his body, moving is now extremely hard.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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