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Monday morning greets you like a hole in the head

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Monday morning greets you like a hole in the head. The air that whistles through is abrasive, and the discomfort feels terminal. All you can do is endure it until your inevitable demise.

Despite the gaping hole, your head is still full of thoughts, most of which are about Jungkook. All of which are making you feel very uneasy.

Dread lingers in the pit of your stomach as you arrive at your desk. It's barely even ticked past seven-thirty. You don't start work until nine. The office is empty, save for a few eager souls who apparently couldn't wait to get started on the working week.

You're an exception. You're not happy to be here. You aren't keen to work.

You just don't want to be in your bed thinking of Jungkook until your alarm goes off. Have barely slept a wink. Woke up at the crack of dawn to an empty home, no Jungkook nor Bam to keep you company.

It's not like that's unusual.

It's just that one glimpse of what a potential domestic set up could be like and you're hooked.

Oh, it's so bad. This is exactly what Jungkook teases you for. It's why you live alone. Can't be trusted with housemates anymore, 'cause all it takes is one midnight grilled cheese and a few too many tender gestures and whoops! You're smitten.

Maybe you shouldn't have stayed at Jungkook's on Friday evening.

Perhaps you should have closed the door when you were showering the following morning.

It was possibly a little foolish to spend the rest of the day at his, and not talk about it. To flirt, and to sit a little closer together than you normally do, legs lazily hooked over the top of his, yet steering clear of topics that really should have been addressed.

You left in the evening on Saturday. Told Jungkook you'd let him know when you got home.

But you didn't.

And you ignored the memes he sent you on Sunday. And the tiktoks. And the 'r u alive??' message.

Boundaries are a wonderful thing that you have absolutely no idea how to draw, and so you've been a little heavy-handed with your marker. You're an interior designer afterall, not an architect.

Even with that in mind, you're restless at your desk. Every tab you open, every project you think about, every note you make is abandoned. All thoughts lead back to Jungkook.

Mitch is coming in this morning to discuss the proposed expansions with Jungkook. It's a big day. You're sure Jungkook probably spent yesterday focused on that, instead. Doubt he even realised you hadn't messaged back.

Glancing at the clock—7:39—you sigh. Figure Jungkook's probably walking Bam around now. You feel bad, as if you should be doing it—but he's not your dog, and it's not your responsibility to make Jungkook's mornings go smoother.

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