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It was the night of the mall incident. Jake wished he hadn't walked out of the bathroom. He was beating himself up over it. He was upset he didn't hear him out. The thoughts inside his head was getting so overwhelming. He was upset with himself, and angry. Wishing he didn't do it. He went to his bathroom and sat on the floor. Pinching his hand, trying to get himself not to resort to the worst. But, it didn't work. He ended up shuffling through his drawer, grabbing out the sharp broken piece of a manual pencil sharpener. He flipped over his wrist, drawing short but fast lines with the metal. He did it over and over, covering his wrist. A few tears slipped out. It was like a self discipline. A very bad self discipline. He never really cleaned up afterwards, which was even worse. Just letting the blood dry onto his skin and picking it off later. He finished up, his last cut right before his elbow joint. He wiped away his tears and sighed before getting up and going to his bed. In his bed he contemplated texting Sunghoon, but he couldn't get himself to. He opened his phone and texted Sunoo, "relapsed." and turned off his phone, putting it on do not disturb. He knew Sunoo was gonna blow up his phone with worrying, but he just couldn't handle that in that moment. He swallowed back his last few tears before holding his penguin plushie, and attempting to sleep.

Jake had woken up that morning, wincing at the pain in his wrist. He remembered that night, bit his lip. His school uniform was short sleeved, and it was quite hot so he couldn't handle a jacket.. yikes. He panicked on what to do, knowing it wasn't good to put anything on it when its still that.. fresh. He got dressed in his school uniform and cursed to himself, it was quite visible. He genuinely just said 'fuck it' and put on a jacket. He knew he'd be dying of heat, but he didn't want anyone, especially Sunghoon, to see what he had done to himself. Again. But, what could he do about it now. It happened, so.

He finally opened his phone (what he was dreading to do) seeing a flood of Sunoo's messages.

"awh jakey hyung, are you okay??"

"why, what happened, are you okay??"

"why arent youa snerijgn my texts???"

"i feell likej a worired mom rightr now Im ttyping so dflicukgu fast just to make sur ew youre okaya"

He giggled a bit, he knew Sunoo really cared about him like that. He texted back, "yh, im okay- you just know how i get in my head." Which wasn't completely wrong, he did do that quite often. Except this time it was because of Sunghoon. He never thought his feelings were like this.. it was scary how much he cared. He walked out of his house now, heading to school. Sunoo walked up to him as usual, but this time with a soft smile. "hey hyung.. you doing okay?" he said in a worried yet caring tone. "yeah, I am." which was a bit of a lie, yet it wasn't. "what arm, I can help cover it when you're not wearing a jacket." thats the Sunoo he knew. Always trying to help. He was legit the sweetest. "Left, thanks." to which Sunoo switched sides, going to his left side. "I got you, hyung." Jake felt happy he had Sunoo doing this, it was what... Sunghoon did when he told him. That just made his heart ache, but it was okay.

When they arrived at school Jake went to his locker, locking up his backpack before heading to the bathroom to wash up a bit. His head was foggy, a splash of water would help. He went up to the sink, rolling up his sleeves so they wouldn't get soaked. Right as he was about to splash a bit of water on his face, A tall boy with raven-like hair walked in, on his phone. God dammit. Of course, Park Sunghoon. He looked over as his eyes widened. Holy shit, why now??? Sunghoon walked over to the mirror in the bathroom (which was right next to the sink Jake was at) and fixed his hair. He looked back at Jake, about to roll down his sleeve. He saw it. Of course he had to see it. "Jake hyung what happened..? You usually tell me if that happens." Jake got upset at that. Sunghoon had been the one ignoring him the whole time, so why would he care?? "uhm, you haven't been talking to me, so why would I??" He exploded, uh oh. "I was trying to talk to you yesterday but you fucking stormed out??" he wasn't good with not arguing back, but he realized he could've hurt Jake. "Well I don't know, maybe I stormed out because I was scared you were gonna say we weren't friends or some shit because YOU'RE ignoring me for your stupid ass girlfriend who you don't even talk to!!!" He yelled back, clearly upset. "but I was genuinely TRYING to talk to you???!! You can listen!!" Sunghoon had said. "Well you haven't tried to do that for the past week, so I was fucking confused!!! You act like everyone knows what you mean when they don't! you're so FUCKING confusing Park Sunghoon!! Sometimes I don't even know why-" And there it happened. Sunghoon grabbed Jake's shoulders, pulling him in and kissing his lips. Partially to shut him up, and partially because he really wanted to. Jake didn't pull away, he was quite shocked, but he didn't mind. The kiss was passionate, their lips moving together at a perfect pace. It was like their lips were made for each others, fitting together like magnets. They had pulled away, Sunghoon with a small smile while the aussie was flushed. "Dear god Sunghoon what the hell was that for??? you're so- i- i don't know!!!" Jake freaked out. "i'm so confused..."


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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