Chapter 6 - Sunrise Arrival

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The serene sunrise marked the once dull starless night sky, painting it with soft pastel oranges, yellows, and pinks. Slowly, creating a breathtaking view from the grounds of Silver-Stone Castle, with the rising sun beginning to bathe the manor and surrounding gardens in the warm morning glow.

The three princelings had been gifted enough to see the mundane sunrise despite their restless state from sleep evading the night prior. Each of them considered the sunrise their last gift from their trip to the mortal realm, even more so when the last part of their journey awaited. Something they highly suspected would be chaotic, especially with seven women uncertain about their future and questioning the princelings who destroyed their reality.

The morning had started out simple enough. Lucas, the oldest of the princelings, gives out the tasks to complete in a gentle tone. Finnick would check and confirm the portal to Grisha was still safe to pass through, a job fitting for the warrior of the trio, especially given the unstable nature of the fading magic and the constant threat of rebel Morcarian warriors attempting poorly planned attacks.

On the other hand, Lucian was tasked with rousing the slumbering princesses from their soundless sleep, preparing them for the journey ahead, if needed, and answering any questions that lingered from the previous day. Lucas had taken to the kitchen to prepare a breakfast spread akin to a feast, ensuring the princesses were treated as such and were fully prepared for the long day already set before them.

As expected, Lucian's task hadn't been without complications. His gentle shakes unintentionally scared Isolde and Mercedes while attempting to wake them from their peaceful slumber. Allegra, in particular, had woken only to complain for several long minutes before proceeding to insist she return to her beauty sleep for several more hours. A tantrum akin to one a spoiled child would throw followed when Lucian denied her demand, instead making it clear she was expected to join the others for breakfast before being ready to leave an hour after that. The schedule was tight, and no exceptions would be made.

Waking the remaining princesses hadn't been much trouble. Andromeda and Aurelia hadn't been particularly pleased about being awoken at such an ungodly hour, but neither complained aside from a few groans of protest. Echo and Alina, on the other hand, had suffered through a restless night as if both had sensed the impending chaos and growing uncertainty. The ungodly hour had done little to inspire or lift their mood. Yet still, both had done as was asked of them. Although they remained quiet at breakfast, even more so compared to Allegra's constant complaining and never-ending tantrums.

The grand dining room had remained soundless for the most part, aside from Allegra complaining about one thing for another. A few mumbled words of gratitude and thanks were sent Lucas's way for the feast prepared for them. Not even the princelings could be heard uttering a word of the conversation. Instead, the main focus was Allegra and her demands to get ready for the journey ahead. Despite that, though, a semi-peaceful atmosphere persisted.

Lucian was the most notable princeling at breakfast, wearing traditional Grishian robes fit for his royal station. A smirk adorned his lips as he glanced around the long, delicately carved dining table. Despite his efforts, he could not contain the chuckles that left his lips upon noticing where his brothers had chosen to reside around the table.

Lucas had placed himself between Isolde and Alina, minding his own business while reveling in the praise he received for his cooking talents. On the other hand, Finnick was between the sisterly duo of Andromeda and Echo. Echo gracefully wore the necklace Daryl had sent as a birthday gift while seemingly ignoring Allegra's unladylike comments.

Lucian himself was between the ever-motherly Mercedes and the curious Aurelia, whereas Allegra had taken the opportunity presented to her and taken her rightful place at the head of the table, intending to be the center of attention. After all, the chair at the head of the table could easily have been mistaken for a throne many centuries ago. The mousy-haired woman harshly judged and criticized those surrounding her, even if wordlessly.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20 ⏰

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