Part Nine: Welcome Home

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This was it, I was finally escaping from this God-awful farm! After almost a month of pure hell I was able to leave. Yes, I slightly grew attached to Jackson but he won't matter once I can make it to the police station.

I could make it- I had to.

I was running for what felt like hours, this forest seemed endless! If I keep running in this direction I shouldn't get lost. Maybe I'll run into the search party, are they still looking for me? It's only been a month since I disappeared.

Did they give up?

No! They couldn't have! I need to keep running or else Jackson might catch me. He should have been out of the water by now. He was ten times more athletic than me, he was bound to catch up any minute. If I turn around he'll be right behind me!

I turn around.


Jackson hadn't caught up yet, he'll be here soon won't he? I just need to get out of this damn forest-

I tripped and twisted my ankle, the pain I felt was unimaginable. I needed to run still I couldn't let a twisted ankle get in my way. I tried standing back up, using the nearby trees for support. I needed to- I needed OUT.

I started limping in the same direction I was going before. I can't slow down, this is my one chance of escape. I couldn't let Jackson find me, then he'll get angry and won't let me eat for weeks. I just know it! The sun was setting down on my back, the sky blackened out and a coldness entered the woods. I was barely dressed enough to go running in the woods this night. It was extremely cold, I could hardly walk straight because of this limp, and I was barefoot. Being barefoot in the woods is not a fun experience, I was getting scratched and stabbed from all of the thorns and thick brush. I'm not quite sure what poison ivy looks like but if the leaves of three rule is any good I'm walking on dozens of it.

I could almost see the town ahead of me. I was so close! I'll finally be free, just as long as I step onto the pavement-

Jackson stepped out from the trees ahead of me.

There's no way he should have beat me here. Am I hallucinating? I have to be!

"What's wrong (Y,N), you look so scared"

Stop, this joke is too cruel!

"(Y,N)~ don't make me force you to come back home with me-"

"I'm sure neither of us want that"

Jackson stepped forward, his hands raising in a mock surrender.

"I am not the villain here, you know that"

Do I? He kidnapped me, what else am I supposed to think?!

"(Y,N), you have made me the happiest man ever since I first saw you"

"Do you remember how we first met"

"You kidnapped me!" I yelled at him

"You really don't remember, do you?" Jackson looked hurt.

His arms fell to his side and his brows furrowed together.

2 Years Ago-

Today was a regular day, at school we learned nothing per usual (Or maybe it was because I never listened) The weather was mediocre, not a cloud in sight yet the temperature still remained freezing. I was on my way home from school, I never rode the bus because it was only walking distance. Well, my parents forced me to walk to school and back. Something about "exercise" as if. They just want me to suffer.

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