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America: Hey, dude, I realised that Harry Potter is totally made up.

Canada: Yeah. Magic isn't real, I thought you knew that...

America: Nono, magic is real, I've seen it in movies. But I mean, owl's, trains. England.

England: ;-;

Canada: Are you saying England isn't real?

America: Yea its way to messed up to be real.

England: ;;;;;-;;;;;

Canada: You have got to be kidding me... Alfred, you're probably the dumbest person I know.

                      ~    ~    ~

Canada: Okay, if England doesn't exist, where do English Muffins come from?

America: Look on the package.

Canada: *reads on package* Totowa, New Jersey?

America: America shall lead the stupid, the stupid shall be happy.

                    ~    ~    ~

Canada: I don't care if English Muffins are from New Jersey. England exists. It's south of Scotland.

America: Scotland? Is that the best you can do? It probably lies east of Made-up-land.

Canada: Its actually east of Wales.

America: Oh sorry, I thought it was east of Dolphins.

Canada: France is south of England. Lies on the other side of the English Channel...

America: Oh, English CHANNEL. And the capital is England City

Canada: It's actually---

America: And the king lives on England Street! Huh?!

                     ~    ~    ~

France: Mon dieu, you look torn.

Canada: I've had a two hour long fight with America if England exists or not

(England: I DO)

Canada: how am I supposed to look



France: I've always wanted to see you as a Greek Soldier...

Canada: Eh?

America: Greeks don't exist.

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