Chapter 42

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Grace looked down blankly at the chipped soup bowl and chuckled.

‘My situation is really…’

One of the privates handed over clear soup boiled with leftover ingredients as breakfast. It was the menu that she always brought to the ‘guests of the torture room.’

The only ingredients were onion roots and carrot stems. There was only a bowl of soup on the tray because there was no longer ‘Sally’ who provided boiled eggs or bread to the captured revolutionary army.

No one put morphine in her mouth.

Her stomach was throbbing. As her thighs were pulled, her bruised knee hurt.

Grace frowned as her sensitive n*pples brushed her bra with every breath she took. In the end, the soup was thrown, and then she lay down on the bed. It was a relief to have extra sheets in the closet. No matter how hard it was, she would not lie down on a dirty sheet.

Human habits were scary… Or should she say she was resilient?

After Winston left last night, she had been working incredibly diligently until breakfast. Closing her eyes for a moment, she wiped away the traces of s*x on the bed and floor. The torture chamber maid erasing the traces of torture on herself.

…Should she laugh or cry at that contradiction?

Then, she tried to erase the traces left on her body, but it was not easy. As the s*men and clotted blood were washed away, the bruises and tooth marks left on the body became clearer.

It wasn’t the only thing that was clearer.

Winston’s smell still seemed to linger on the tip of her nose.

It was definitely a smell that should have been wiped out of this bed and her body. As Grace shuddered at the body odor drifting around her like a ghost, even the sound of his gasping breath like an animal lingered in her ears. So, when she closed her eyes tightly, it unfolded vividly.

The man’s face and nudity, who crushed her while looking down at her with eyes drunk with the joy of the conqueror…

“You’re dripping milk.”

Suddenly, she remembered one of the disgusting moments of last night.

He fit the gap on the tip of his p*nis to Grace’s peaks, then let out his s*men. The milky white liquid with a honey-like texture accumulated at the flat peak and ran down the pointy n*pple down to the gentle flesh.

Winston gazed at it and made fun of her, saying that Grace was lactating. It didn’t seem like people would act so badly in the brothel.


Grace wrapped her arms around her chest in a belated defense and shook her body.

Even the slightest touch between the two layers of clothes made her n*pples tingle. Because Winston had been chewing on it all night, the piece of flesh did not return to its original smooth shape but swelled upright the whole time, making it even more painful.

Getting her body up, she opened the luggage next to the bed. She covered her blouse with a pointed spot in the shape of her beads with a thick cardigan and looked through the bag to see if anything was missing.

The private who had given her breakfast a while ago had brought her luggage with him. They probably opened it up and inspected it. It was fortunate that there were no items containing important information.

“Why is this…”

There was nothing missing, but there was something that should have been missing.

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