Chapter 55

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“How do you view the investment value of the Bria Diamond Mine?”

Unlike most men who look at the body or face when meeting a woman for the first time, Jerome unconditionally tested her head first. It was more like a fight than a test, though. In general, the ending was for the woman to degenerate into a doll with an empty head in front of everyone.

Leon checked his watch, thinking it would be arrogant of Jerome to do it to the Grand Duke's daughter, and even to the person who would become the next Madam of his family.

“I am not interested in investing in mining.”

“Ah, I see.”

She answered the mocking.

“There are other things I am interested in. I had something to say to the doctor today.”


The Grand Lady came to this place because she was obviously betrothed. However, it was unexpected to Jerome that she had business with him rather than his brother, who was her fiancé.

“I read the Winsford Herald yesterday.”

“Ah, an honor…”

“They scathingly ridiculed Professor John Chadwick's rocket engine theory as an absurd science fiction screenplay written by someone who had no knowledge of high school physics.”


“On the contrary, I saw the reporter who wrote the article as an outsider with an inferiority complex eager to ridicule the pioneers of science to hide their lack of intelligence that they couldn't understand even high school level physics.”

“Tate has a bachelor's degree in physics…”

Jerome smiled awkwardly as he corrected the glasses that were slipping down his sweaty nose.

“Since there are many articles to check… I'll instruct the reporter to re-cover and correct it.”

“It would be nice to have a correction and an apology posted on the front page.”

“…I will.”

While his gaze at the Grand Lady changed little by little, Leon remembered what had happened at this greenhouse about a year ago.

“What is your name?”

“My name is Sally Bristol, Doctor.”

She was the maid who came to say that Mrs. Winston would be a little late at tea time… that was his first impression of Sally Bristol.

'Sally,' his mother's dedicated maid at the time, was only one of the many accessories of the mansion that had no reason to impress him. And, Jerome Winston was a nasty bastard who tried even the head of such accessories.

He didn't remember what kind of pedantic thing Jerome said at that time. All he remembered was the maid's answer, which was bright but strangely uncomfortable.

“Wow, I have a bad head so I don't know what you are talking about, but they are so amazing. Did Doctor discover this? Ah… You just read it in a book. Reading books is fun, right? Haha. I also thought that Doctor found it by researching yourself since you said that.”

Leon burst into laughter a year later.

He realized now that the woman had mocked Jerome by pretending to be stupid. From then on, she had a wild side, unlike a maid, but at that time, he didn't care about her, who was just a mere maid, so he ignored her.

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