The Battles End

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Lyra looked around the courtyard, she was trying to figure out how she had ended up here. How had she ended up fighting in a war at seventeen, how had she lost so many people. She looked over to where Voldemort lay, dead across from her. This should have never been her job. She was a child fighting in an adult's war. This wasn't how her life was supposed to be. Now, Lyra was standing alone with the body of the monster who had destroyed her life. She was finally free of him and the terror he reigned over the wizarding world. 

Lyra turned to walk to the Great Hall, she needed to see who all survived. She couldn't get the sight of Remus, Tonks, Fred, Lavender, Colin, and so many more dead on the floor, out of her head. Her poor godson was now an orphan, just like she was. That was no way for a child to live, luckily, he still had her and Andromeda. Lyra would make sure her Teddy Bear would have the life she should have had. She would make sure he had love and support, he would never question if he was loved. She would make sure he knew how much his parents loved him and how amazing they were. 

The sight of everyone in the hall made her hearing go fuzzy. So many young and old lives lost. So many people died for reasons that should have never been an issue. Poor George looked like he was lost. The Patil twins look at Lavender sadly. So many young people's lives have been ripped apart. Ron and Hermione were standing next to her. Lyra couldn't hear them; she was watching the horror that played out in front of her. Why did it have to be this way. She needed to go to Andromeda, someone had to tell her that her daughter and son in law were dead. Lyra didn't want to be that person, but she knew that it had to be her. 

When her hearing finally comes back, Lyra hears Hermione trying to get her attention. She looks to her and Ron. What a sight she must be, covered in blood, dust, and who knows what else. Her dead eyes looking at them, why were they here? What more could people want from her, she had given them everything. 

"Lyra, did you hear what we said," Hermione asks, "You should be helping us gather people to bring into the hall" Lyra just stared. Why should she help, she had literally died an hour ago. She didn't want to do anything.

Finally, Lyra answered, "No, I didn't" Hermione let's out a huff, she's annoyed. 

Ron decides to add himself into this, "We need to help them bring people in, they need every hand available. Let's go mate" 

Lyra ignores what he said, "I need to go see Andromeda, I need to be with her and Teddy" of course they both throw a fit at this. Lyra doesn't even notice. She's numb.

"Well, when we finish here, Ron and I are going to find my parents in Australia. It will probably take a couple of weeks so you will have to be here to help rebuild. We can't have the whole golden trio missing" Hermione tells her. Lyra ignores her and walks off. 


Lyra had only been to Andromedas house one time. The day Teddy was born, Remus asked her to come over because they needed to talk to her. She thought he was crazy, he had been helping them decide how to deal with the goblins for the horcrux in Bellatrix vault, so it wasn't like she hadn't seen him three times this week already. Lyra couldn't think of that day right now. Everyone was so happy and now she had to tell Andromeda. 

Lyra knocked on the door and waited, Andromeda answered the door and must have been able to tell by the look on her face. "NO!" was all that came out before Andromeda collapsed. 

Lyra rushed to catch her, "I'm so so sorry Andromeda. I didn't even know Dora was coming, she wasn't supposed to" The two women sat there on the living room floor and cried together until a cry from Teddy came from upstairs. Lyra moved Andromeda to the couch, "I'll get him" she tells her and heads for the nursery. 

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