He Didn't Listen

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Lunch had turned out to be very enjoyable. Elijah had been very hesitant to tell Lyra about his brother. When Damon and Alaric walked into the grill, Elijah's expression went blank at the glares he received. Lyra rolled her eyes at Damon when he began walking their way. Of course he was going to insert himself into the conversation. 

"Well, what do we have here" Damon interrupts them, waving to Teddy. 

"Hello Damon, what are you up to today" Lyra asks, looking over his shoulder she adds, "Alaric, good to see you" she receives a nod from him.

Damon puts an arm on her side of the booth, "Oh just hanging out, day drinking. Who's your friend" he asks. 

Lyra rolls her eyes at him, "Elijah Smith, meet Damon Salvatore and Alaric Saltzman" 

Of course, Damon can't be simple about things. Antagonizing people is a hobby for him it seems. Today he has the friend of Jenna's that he had been seeing with him, something seems off. Getting tired of the games, she knew her friend was up to something. Lyra could only take so much of him today and looked to Jenna. 

"I need to get Teddy home and drop Elijah back to his car. Are you coming with" She asks, just as Jenna goes to answer, Damon brought up a dinner party. Not good.

"You'll come, right Lyra" Damon asks, she frowns at him. What is he planning.

Squinting at him, she answers "Sorry, I'm not one for parties. You'll just have to do it without me" Lyra is still staring him down. Damon fidgets then looks away. Standing, she grabs her son and tells everyone goodbye. Jenna is going to stay with Alaric, so she walks out with Elijah.


Elijah seems to be thinking of something on the ride back, he must have finally decided because he asks her, "So, you're familiar with Damon" 

Lyra has to do a double take, the tone he asked in makes her giggle. "Damon was the first person I met in town. I saved his life and then we talked about our histories. He became my friend and introduced me to Jenna. He looked out for us when a werewolf threatened us. He does have his flaws, he's impulsive and seems to love his brother's girl" Elijah chuckles when she makes a disgusted face. 

Parking the car, she turns to look at him. "I'm not going to this dinner because I think he and the others may be up to something. If you do go, I can't promise he won't be a moronic idiot and do something stupid. You need to be on guard"

Elijah looks surprised, "Why would you warn me if you're friends"

"Because you don't seem like a bad guy, and I honestly think I can handle the curse if I get the information I need. I can't tell Damon though, anything to do with Elena and he goes nuts" Lyra explains. Elijah seems to understand.

"I will keep my guard up, also I do hope you can. No one needs to needlessly die for it" Elijah tells her. He tells her goodbye and goes to his car.

All Lyra can think is, 'I really hope Damon doesn't fuck up and get himself killed'. 


Damon had been dodging her calls and she hadn't heard from Elijah. All she had heard from Jenna about the whole thing was that Elijah had left early. Both thought it was suspicious. Things had seemed to be quiet until Lyra got the call from Jenna about Isobel. Seems Alaric and Elenas lies have finally caught up with them. She had told Jenna she could stay with them and just tell the others she was staying on campus. 

Jenna had to head to the house to check on the mail and check on her charges. She had only been gone twenty minutes when Lyra's wards went off. Damon was knocking on her door like he was about to take it down. Something was definitely wrong.

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