waking her for cuddles

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You stared at the ceiling as time dragged by.

It's getting late and you can't help but feel frustrated as you continue to lie awake.

Beside you, Handong sleeps soundly as her chest rises and falls with every breath in and out.

You can't help but wonder what she's dreaming about and you also can't help but envy her a little for getting good rest, though she deserves it so much because she's been so busy.

That's why you haven't woken her yet.

You're sure that the sound of her voice as she sings you your favorite song or holds you in her warm secure arms would help you to relax and drift off to sleep but the thought of disturbing her sleep at all breaks your heart because she needs it so much.

This isn't your first sleepless night, surely you could handle another.

You tossed and turned with your eyes closed, reached for the blankets for a little comfort only to kick them off a few minutes later when you became too overheated, and you even tried counting sheep.

But none of it seemed to work.

You could try to push through tomorrow with no sleep but it's always easier said than done and you know that.

So after spending another forty-five minutes wide awake, you let out a groan and sat up.

You felt exhausted but not enough to sleep and since it was nearing three am, you were feeling hopeless now.

This was the last thing you wanted to do but you hesitantly reached over and shook Handong's shoulder.

"Handong? Baby?"

"Hm?" She quietly and tiredly hummed.

"Are you awake?"

"Yeah." She mumbled as she turned onto her back. "What time is it? Is it time to go to practice already?"

"No." You said with a little chuckle. "Not yet, baby. You've still got a couple of hours."

"Good." She spoke as she rubbed her eyes. "Why are you waking me up then?"

"I can't get to sleep."

"Oh." She said as she blinked her tired eyes a few times.

"And I hate waking you, especially when you need as much sleep as you can get. But I was just thinking we could cuddle and you could go right back to sleep."

She didn't say a word in response.

Instead, she sent you a sleepy smile as she fought to keep her heavy eyes open and opened her arms for you.

"I'm always happy to cuddle my girl." She said as you lay down in her arms and let out a contented sigh.

Her lips lovingly brushed against your head and you cracked a smile before closing your eyes.

"Are you tired at all?"

"Yeah." You mumbled. "I have been for so long but just not enough to sleep."

"You just needed cuddles from your girlfriend to make everything better, huh?" She smiled a little and you nodded happily. "I've got you now. Get some rest."

"I love you so much."

"I love you too." She said and closed her eyes as she kept you warm and safe in her arms.

You were sound asleep before you knew it and Handong couldn't help but smile to herself as she drifted off to sleep with you, so happy that she was able to help you, all thanks to her cuddles.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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