Chapter 13 ~ Crucio ~

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"Where are we going??" I insist as I'm dragged through the dark corridor Tom leads me to

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"Where are we going??" I insist as I'm dragged through the dark corridor Tom leads me to. 

"TOM . STOP AND TELL ME WHERE WE GO ! You can not ju.-" 

A cold hand shutting my mouth, pressing me against the window, "If you are not quiet people will come, and if they do, I can not show you what I am about to show you. So will you be quiet now, Professor Orlov." His hissing words linger in my ears as I swallow the anger and eye him coldish, pushing him off me.

"You can not disappear weeks over weeks and then out of the blue come and drag me down some corridors and act as if nothing ever happened."

Tom looks at me raising an eyebrow, "You saw I can. And I do."

 He fixes his sleeves as he proceedes to walk, I struggle keeping up as he continues speaking, "We are both adults, Eva.and I believe you are old enough to understand that our encounter was shortwhile. Unless you wish to change that, which, I do not think you will and if you do you will regret it. - Until then, you can not be angry about me disappearing as I please. When time is ripe perhaps I will share one or two things with you." 

I squeeze my eyes because of what he said, he doesn't trust me .. well.. I guess he shouldn't, and I shouldn't trust him. At all. Stay focused.

"I just - I thought you wanted to share some things with me. Don't remember our conversation?"

He snorts while opening a door, "Who says I don't?" 

He holds the door for me while not moving aside, eyeing me suspicious as I pass him. His look down at me sends shivers down my spine. 

I pause as I look through the room he lead me into, everything is pitch black, until he enters..........

As he enters the room, a dim light flickers to life, revealing a space filled with peculiar objects and intricate symbols etched on the walls

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As he enters the room, a dim light flickers to life, revealing a space filled with peculiar objects and intricate symbols etched on the walls. Tom's silhouette against the eerie glow adds to the mystique of the moment. I can sense a tension in the air, a weight of secrets and unspoken truths hanging between us.

He gestures towards a table in the center of the room, where an ancient tome lies open, its pages whispering forgotten knowledge.

"This," he begins, his voice low and resonant, "is where our paths converge once more, Professor Orlov. The time has come for you to see what lies beyond the veil of ignorance..."

Imortality unveiled  ~Tom Riddle x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now