Chapter One

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The concrete flooring couldn't have looked duller compared to the bright-colored flowers in Kenneth's hand. He bent his head to hopefully avoid unwanted attention as he approached the two men conversing together. Venenarius and non-magical workers crowded the shelter of this planet where Kenneth had been working for the past six months.

Bardick asked the older one, Kenneth's work boss, "What will happen to the Interitus, now that most of them are captured?"

Eborj smoothed a hand across his combed-over gray hair. "You're aware there will be court in a few days?" he asked. "However, for the time being, the Interitus are in my custody. I hope not too many rash decisions are made at court—for example, executing all the Interitus."

Kenneth's brow furrowed as he eavesdropped. What reason was a court meeting needed? The Interitus were murderers who had worked for Xexile up until he died eight months ago. The only logical implication would be to kill the Interitus.

Eborj's near-black eyes strayed to Kenneth. He stood the same height as Kenneth, compared to six months prior, when Kenneth had been quite a bit shorter. "Davis, aren't you late?" Eborj asked, not with an unkind tone. "I thought I'd asked you to take care of the latest supplies."

"I just wanted to remind you I had an already-approved day off, sir, that I'd asked for in advance," Kenneth responded, adjusting the small duffle bag on his shoulder; the strap dug into his skin. He quickly added, "It's my sixteenth birthday..."

Eborj waved him off, obviously busy. "Ah, I don't care for details. Return to work tomorrow morning, Kenneth Davis."

Kenneth grimaced at the words of his full name. The eyes of bystanders darted to him, and a couple of girls even whirled around to see. Wow, is it actually Kenneth Davis, they were probably thinking.

Kenneth nodded, sniffling due to the flower's pollen, and he turned away. Eborj wasn't an unkind man, he was probably the only Venenarius who didn't underestimate non-magical people.

Kenneth walked at a slow enough pace to eavesdrop without it being apparent. He had to know what Bardick and Eborj discussed about the Interitus—he was the reason Xexile was dead.

"But why shouldn't the Interitus be executed?" Bardick asked in his gruff voice.

Eborj was silent for a moment before replying, "I wouldn't know. I only don't see any logic in quick decision-making. Suppose we could gain information or other resources from the Interitus?"

Kenneth didn't hear the next thing Bardick said, and he would have to walk faster and leave them, or else he would begin looking suspicious.

Kenneth had unfortunately misplaced his universe ring, so he approached a counter of supplies and bought a new one. Thankfully the teleportation rings were quite cheap compared to other objects being sold.

Kenneth tucked the bouquet under his arm as he attempted to slip the ring on one of his left-hand fingers, only to fumble and nearly drop it. He had blown off his ring finger eight months ago, and he still somehow managed to keep forgetting—the phantom pain didn't help either. With a scowl to himself, he slipped the ring onto a different finger.

Hushed voices nearby alerted Kenneth to a group of people observing him. He might snap if he heard another remark about his mysterious confrontation with Xexile, or his appearance—either the erratic girls thinking scars were captivating or the not so 'kind' comments...

Kenneth tried not to glance at them as he whispered to his universe ring, "Take me to universe two hundred and forty-one, the Marmo planet, and the Munroes' house." Everything went black as the familiar sensation of flying came over him. After a short moment, his feet planted on the grass.

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