Chapter Four

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Brel was yet to come, despite Eborj's reassurance. Over the course of a week, Venenarius brought the meals of the day to Kenneth, and Bardick had questioned him once, but other than those few interactions, he resided in his room, alone. The only source of distraction was his thoughts, not exactly entertaining. and Halo's present. Apparently, she had grown tired of being his Wikipedia, so she had gifted him a pocket-size book filled with information about universes, Venenarius, and magic.

Kenneth sat for hours in his bed every day, flipping the pages. The information proved quite interesting, and it was reminiscent of Halo, but it all inevitably reminded him of his captivity and unfair predicament.


The metal door of the room slid open. Knowing well dinner wouldn't be for a while, Kenneth paused his pacing, brow furrowed. Two Venenarius stood in the doorway, younger and lacking intimidating muscle, unlike the original Venenarius who had arrested him.

"You're being taken to another shelter," a blond-haired Venenarius said.

"Where?" Kenneth asked. Teleporting to unfamiliar shelters never sat well with Kenneth, especially now as a suspected criminal.

The two venenarius approached as the blonde replied, "We don't know. Bardick is going to teleport you." A ghostly chain appeared on Kenneth's wrist, the other end connecting to the other venenarius.

Kenneth didn't resist as they exited his room, walking down the hall. The last time he had seen Bardick, the 'Viking' took every opportunity to latch onto any possible evidence regarding the Interitus' disappearance. Bardick gaining further control over him was another outcome Kenneth didn't want.

Kenneth came to a sudden realization and he froze in his steps, causing the two Venenarius to tug on the magic chain. They continued their pace, but Kenneth's mind remained consumed by ideas. He had already concluded that he'd been framed for freeing the Interitus, but never had he suspected a person...until now. Bardick disliked him from the start, or at least looked down upon him. Bardick could've been power-hungry and thought Kenneth had stolen his flair when Xexile was killed. Possibly as a means to regain control, Bardick framed Kenneth.

The idea that Bardick wanted to command the Interitus didn't seem too unrealistic when he already had power over so many Venenarius. He might've thought freeing the Interitus would shed a bad light on him, so he framed a six-teen-year-old boy—it would be that simple.

Anger welled inside him, and his eyes narrowed as the dots connected.

A door slid open, revealing the main complex of this shelter. As usual, groups teleported away and here in seconds, others worked magic, carried supplies, and conversed. The two Venenarius led Kenneth past people; if they hadn't before, everyone recognized Kenneth Davis now.

Bending his head low—not in shame, but only to ignore the attention—Kenneth walked across the room until the Venenarius who contained him stopped.

The blond man observed the people. "Bardick should be here," he stated gruffly.

The other, brunette curls in his eyes, replied, "Eh, maybe things got delayed. Wait." The two Venenarius stood straight, clearly attempting to look as professional as can be. Kenneth would have laughed if not for his predicament—this whole dilemma must've been orchestrated by Bardick.

The occupants of the shelter continued their work, albeit the occasional glance at Kenneth. He found himself unbothered by this—even before being accused of a crime, the attention wasn't out of the ordinary.

A yell sounded from beside Kenneth, startling and nearly causing him to jump. The brunette Venenarius arched over, seething in pain as his friend shouted in repeat, "What happened? What happened?"

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