Dangerous game pt.3

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The next morning you woke up and got ready to head downstairs for breakfast.
You all sat at the dining table eating and talking, you were just listening though, you aren't really much of a morning person so you're mostly quiet in the mornings. And when the table calmed down a bit Edmund who was seating next to you which wasn't really an odd thing, spoke, you were looking down at your plate contemplating going back to bed.

"Hey guys so i'm just coming out with this announcement, um me and y/n, were dating now, we're a couple"

You almost choked on a piece of bread and looked at edmund with a confused and rather angry look, trying to catch your breath almost.

Everyone just stared at you like they were waiting for you to say something. You took a sip of water to calm down.

y/n: uh yeah it's kind of new, i'm just as surprised as you guys, honestly want expecting he'd just come out with it like that.

You fake a chuckle while kicking edmund's leg as unnoticeable as possible.

"Oh my god guys that's so great i'm so happy for you!!" Lucy says. "Yeah and honestly like we're not even surprised" Susan says giggling
"what?" you ask, honestly confused?? Then peter replies with "Well come on you guys it's not like we all didn't know you guys are super in love, it is literally obvious!" he says smiling, "oh yeah" you say and fake a laugh to join everybody else laughing like this is real and it's obvious?? And Caspian ends with "Congratulations, you guys make a cute couple."

And so everyone starts standing up to start their days, but edmund and you stay sat. "My room. Now." you look at him angry, you both get up and walk away from the table together "Don't have too much fun there!" Peter says playfully as he is still cleaning up.  You look back and just kind of laugh.

You close the door to your room and turn around to face Edmund.


"what" edmund says chuckling.

"we didn't agree to this! what the fuck were you thinking?!"

"well i thought if we were gonna play we would play it right."

"so what you just tell everyone we are dating out of literally nowhere???"

"well they were gonna find out eventually you know it wasn't gonna be easy to cover up how "super in love" you are with me" he quotes peter.

"oh fuck you edmund"

"you know you like it"

you don't respond

"i'll see you in training then, because you ARE my girlfriend and now more than ever you have to go see me train"


"great then, see you there"
you flip him off as he walks out of your room.

What did they mean by it being so obvious??? We are literally just best friends i don't- we don't like each other let alone being "in love" fts.

You get out of your room and do some work before going to see edmund train because now we need to keep the act together.

So you're there sitting watching this mother fucker train. He spots you and walks to the bleachers from were you're seeing him.

"Hi love"

"Quit it."  but you feel your cheeks get warm because somehow hearing him refer to you as love feels so nice.

"You know you love it, look at you you're all red and cute."

You stand up and get near his face.

"I'm gonna kill you hand me your sword right now"

"oh you'd love that wouldn't you"

you're cut off by some random faun yelling at you guys "Just kiss him already, no need to be all secretive about it we all know!!"

"what?" you say mostly to yourself and edmund. Apparently word spreads really fast in the castle.

"KISS KISS KISS" everyone started cheering.

"well everyone wants it" edmund says grinning.

"no way"

they wouldn't stop the cheering. Ed just looked at you daringly.

"Okay let's just get this over with"

You were expecting just a peck just a tiny little kiss but ed went all for it and kissed you fully deeply, and honestly just what else could you do so you kiss back with the same intensity while everyone cheered and applauded.

Your mouths parted and you opened you eyes just to meet ed's. Everyone kept cheering but you two could only stare at each others eyes, it almost seemed like edmund was surprised too, like he got nervous because he was now blushing. While you were surprised too you would miss this chance to tease him too.
"Careful there you're losing now"
Ed was brought back to reality and stuttering just the tiniest bit "Shut up". But you both couldn't admit to yourselves that you wanted more, you wanted to go back to it desperately. But instead ed went back to training and you went back into the castle. Edmunds training was lacking now because he couldn't stop thinking about you, and you couldn't seem to finish the book you were reading because you couldn't stop thinking about him.

Anyway that's it for part 3 hope you guys liked this, if you have any suggestions or thoughts about this, comments are always open!! I should sleep now, peace out!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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