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Stefanis POV

I walked back to class, a little worried about Bradley after the punch he took, but he promised me he was fine, I was also seriously happy about him inviting me out for lunch too, and damn that food was good. 

The rest of the day went by quickly and I didnt know what to do after school, so I asked Bradley if I could watch his football practice, He warned me that he wasnt very good but loved that I wanted to come

He was lying when he said he wasnt very good though, I was only watching him the whole practice and he was catching everything, and was fast too, able to get around defenders with ease, along with the fact his shirt was off the whole practice, revealing his abs. 

I walked up to him as practice finished, He looked really tired and was chugging the contents of his drink bottle, 

"You were so good out there" I told him

"Thanks" he said, before drinking some more

He told me he had to get changed quickly because he had work, even offering to drop me home on the way through, I watched him walk out five minutes later in his Wawa uniform, even that looked hot on him.

"You work at Wawa" I asked,

"Yup....Free hoagies though" he said, I laughed a little as we walked over to his car together, I watched Bradley throw a lot of things into the backseat 

"Sorry if its dirty" he said, It actually wasnt too bad, there was just a lot of stuff in the back, almost like a whole house in there

"Nah... your all good" I said as I sat down, 

We talked for quite a bit on the drive back to my place

"Did you always wanna be a receiver" I asked Bradley, I wanted to know a bit more about him anyway

"Nah, used to be a QB, but when you get to high school and your only 6'1", your kinda screwed" Bradley said, "Also doesnt help when the guy your competing with for the spot is 6'4" and the coaches son" he added, I laughed a little, of course the coaches son got the special treatment

"So you switched positions" 


Bradley asked me which house was mine, before parking in front of it, He noticed our car in front of his and looked a bit wowed by it, it was a brand new BMW X5 and I thought it was pretty flashy too not gonna lie.

"Your cars seriously nice but you might wanna lose the New York plates unless you want your car smashed up, just suggesting" Bradley said to me, I smiled at him before I walked inside.


"Who was that dropping you home" I heard Mom call out from the living room,

"just a friend" I yelled out before walking over to the fridge and grabbing some food out, Natali had taken all the Pop-Tarts again and she was smirking at me whilst eating them, 

"Thats great.... whats their name" Mom called out, obviously she couldnt see it was a guy

"Bradley" I said, Natali looked over and started making kissing noises, 

"We're just friends" I told her but she didnt stop, I lowkey wanted to slap her but I didnt care anymore. 

I walked up to my room and tried to do some homework, before settling on texting Bradley, 

"You doing much"

"Nah... just making hoagies, U?"

"Trying 2 do homework" 

"Lol, You free around dinner," 

"Sure, y?"

"I go on break around 7, and dont wanna chat w Tyrone"

"lol, I'll come save u 🤣"

"Thx :)))"

Well, now I had more plans with Bradley, saving him from Tyrone, who sounded like a pain in the ass from what Bradley had told me, I asked Mom if we could do dinner early and she was fine with that, then I walked up to the Wawa just before 7, Bradley was sitting at the back table eating some mac and cheese and he suddenly looked happier when I walked over to him, 

"Hey" he said, turning around and throwing the cup into the trash, 


"Glad you came"

"Its okay, I wanted to anyway" 

Bradley smiled at me, He seemed a bit quiet, off in his own world again.

"You doing okay", I asked him

"Yeah... Tyrone and the boys are trying to make me do some favor for them, and its not exactly legal, but I feel i cant say no"

I didnt know what to say, but I knew Bradley was doing the right thing by not taking the favor

"What is it they want, if you feel okay telling me" 

Bradley told me to come out the front of the store, so no one could hear us, He pulled up his shirt showing a gun. I suddenly worked it out.

"Why does everyone seem so interested in you doing stuff for them" I asked him, 

"Im in decent shape, im tall and I can fight, I've also only ever had two misdemeanors, so I'd get a lighter punishment if I get caught" he said, 

"Oh... okay then"

"Dont worry about me though, its fine," he said, but I couldn't not worry about him, He was an amazing guy, I didnt want him ending up like most other people I had seen around here.

"Cooper, breaks over" I suddenly heard someone yell out from inside the Wawa

"Sorry about everything, I honestly shouldn't have dumped my problems on you," Bradley said to me

"Its okay, im glad you told me" I said, Bradley opened the door and walked back in, "See you tomorrow" he yelled out before I walked home, I couldnt stop thinking about him again for the whole walk. 

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