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Bradleys POV (continued) - Tuesday

This chapters gonna be full-on, its also short but its heavy so.... 

I woke up with my usual hangover, but something felt different today, I was finally going to get clean, for Stefani, it would also be good for myself too, 

I wasnt quitting drinking, but I was quitting pills, which I had developed quite a habit for opioids since I was introduced to them eight years ago, by Mom and Clint, who was her asshole boyfriend at the time. 

I had already called school and work, telling them I had the flu and wont be in, which the "flu" was always my cover up for withdrawals. 

I also text Stefani telling her I wont be coming either, same reasons too, I didnt need her finding out about any of this because it would do nothing but ruin the relationship, No one wants to date an addict after all. 

I drove to the nearest Motel 6 I could find and asked for a room, I want to detox in more than just an alleyway or public bathroom and there was no way on earth I was going back to Mom's place, so I decided to pay up the $85 for a room, at least I also had somewhere to sleep too, as I really needed some

I knew they were about to kick in really soon and I bought in all my personal belongings from my car, I wasnt having anything stolen, all the alcohol, my phone, wallet, all the stuff in my backpack, clothes, shoes, everything, came inside

I could already feel the sweating and nausea come in and I knew I was in for a long few days, Now I was praying I would be okay for the football game on Friday night too.

I turned on the TV and found the movie channels, at least Goodfellas was on, which was one of my personal favorites, that might help for the next two hours at least.

The first hour felt like three days, the pain in my legs was worse than when I broke my leg playing football three years ago, and my head was spent mostly in the toilet, at least I had the booze though, which still didnt bring much comfort, it was only getting worse from here. I felt like I was going to die, but I know i'm not, apparently the only detox that can kill you is booze and benzos, not opiates. I remember reading it in Matthew Perry's book now. 

I tried to sleep but it just wasnt happening, I was too sick to sleep right now, so I kept watching movies to pass the time, hoping one day I would be in them as I started to increasingly get sicker again, Now I understood why most people never get clean. 

I was thinking about Stefani again, wondering how she was going and why I had to be such a fuck-up, when she text me, just asking if I was okay, which I replied with just a thumbs up, She asked me if I would be at school tomorrow and I just replied with "idk yet", I knew I definitely would not be well enough to go tomorrow but I didnt want Stefani to worry more. 

One day I'll be a good enough guy for her. 

Unlikely Beginnings - a Bradga AUWhere stories live. Discover now