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Stefanis POV  - The Next Day

I woke up pretty early today and Bradley was already downstairs, He had made breakfast for all of us

"You let me come on this vacation, I gotta repay you somehow" He said, passing me over a plate and letting me pick from the tons of food he had made, pancakes, waffles, french toast, cinnamon rolls, eggs and bacon, there was everything. 

"My early did you wake up" I said, He mustve been up for hours to cook all this

"Only an hour or so, I'm used to preparing lots of food at once so it wasnt too bad" He said, smiling at me as he piled up some waffles onto his plate

I saw the rest of my family and Natalis friend, Izzy come downstairs, their jaws dropping at all the food on the table, Natali and Izzy rushing over to grab plates and fill them up, 

"Wow.... you guys did all this" Mom said as she grabbed some bacon and eggs

"Not me, just Bradley" I said, I didnt want to take any credit for this amazing food, 

"Its really good... where did you learn all this" Mom said as she grabbed some more food

"Uhhh.... I'm half-Italian so probably that, also working in restaurants" Bradley said

"Okay, Italian, we like you then" 

Bradley started laughing, I joined in too 

"Well thats good then" Bradley said, before taking his plate over, "So... I've never been here before so what is there to do" He then asked everyone, 

"Stefani will show you, besides theres lots" Mom yelled out, 

"And Bradley also owes me a football match on the beach tonight, well you all do, its tradition" Dad yelled out, 

Bradley and I got dressed before heading out for the day, Mom stopping us both and handing us a bunch of notes before we left, I watched Bradley count his up 

"Cynthia, this is too much" He said, "$500, damn, I feel so guilty taking this from you"

"You deserve it Bradley" Mom said to him, It was true, I thought Bradley deserved a little extra money too, He needed it

We walked out the door together and the moment we were out of my parents sight, he asked to hold my hand

We walked around for a bit before finding a mall, which would have more shops we would probably like, Bradley found a pair of Jordan 1's he really liked and walked up to one of the guys working in there

"$50 says they dont have my size" He said to me, before asking the guy for a size 14.

"Your a 14" I said, 

"I was supposed to be 6'10", but never grew" Bradley joked

"We would look so weird next to each other if you were 6'10", I already feel short next to you" I said, before laughing a little. It was true though, Bradley had mentioned he was 6'1" and I am barely 5ft, so the gap was enough already.

The guy came out with a box and I started coughing straight away, "$50, cough up Coop" I said, before Bradley reluctantly pulled a $50 out of his wallet, before pulling another $150 out to pay for the shoes, 

I found a few tops I liked from this half-designer store, but sadly didnt make any bets with Bradley over them, I wouldve liked to win some more money, We wound up ordering some burgers and fries and chatting with each other again on the beach as we ate them, 

"You enjoying it here" I asked him, 

"Yes....its so cool" He said, "Way fancier than the Jersey Shore but its really good" 

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