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Stefanis POV

The week after the Hamptons went past really quickly, Everything went pretty well too, I made the basketball team, got an A on my English essay, the same one Bradley sadly got an D- on, but I couldnt help but tease him a little, which he didnt mind me doing. 

We also made out in the bathrooms, a lot, and I mean a lot, every lunch, every free period, we did it. 

It was now Friday again and I was hanging for the day to end, I had my first basketball game tomorrow and Bradley was playing football tonight, They were playing Fairhill High, who were our main rivals and second best team at the moment so I knew it was going to be a good game to watch. 

I had basketball practice at lunch and Bradley came to watch me, which I thought was really nice, I did surprisingly well and Bradley let me know that too, before we ended up playing a 1-on-1 against each other after practice. 

We werent together in the last classes so the next time I saw him was in the locker rooms before the game, No one else had turned up yet and we both had the same idea on what to do. 

I pushed him back into the lockers and reached in for the kiss right away, not letting go until I heard people walking in, I didnt exactly want the whole football team catching us. 

The coach kicked everyone out of the locker rooms who wasnt a player so I walked up to my usual spot in the bleachers with Olivia, ready to see all the pregame stuff and I could tell there was going to be a lot of tension, There were literally tons of security guards hanging around in case fights broke out in the stands, but it didnt stop everyone, 

The stands were packed, there would be thousands of people here and they were all taking the rivalry really seriously, You could cut the tension between the two teams with a knife. 

I watched Bradleys team run out, to a mix of cheering and booing, The crowd must be 50/50 here, The cheerleaders from both teams had almost locked in a battle of who could pull the best moves and we were already throwing drinks at the Fairhill guys in the stands and yelling insults at anyone in a Fairhill jersey. It was only getting started 

Bradleys team took to offense first again, and I could tell straight away that this was going to be a hard game, Olivia told me that Fairhill have been out to get us after we beat them in the state championship the last 2 years, so I understood where they were coming from. 

I saw Jordan get sacked on the first two plays and he got hit pretty hard too, but not as hard as when Bradley wound up with the ball after Jordan threw it to him and was hit by their biggest defender, almost sent flying back into the stands but hey, we got a first down, 

Bradley was really slow to get up, clutching at his ribs as a fight broke out between the two teams, James and Jordan in the middle of it and Bradley joining when he got up, Everyone in the stands encouraging it 

"Why do they have to hit Bradley so hard" I said, "Surely one team doesnt hate him" 

"Coops in for a long game, Stef, He was the difference between us winning and losing those state championships so Fairhill really hate him" Olivia told me, I was just hoping Bradley didnt get really hurt as he was going to Arizona this weekend, 

The refs finally broke up the fight and everyone was left in a mess as they set up the next play, Jordan throwing it to Bradley again and Bradley running around two players before getting hit again, this time even harder as the Fairhill defense jumped on top of him, crunching him

That was how most the first half played out as both teams were tied up, 21-21 at half-time, Bradley looked like he had been knocked around quite a bit, which was true, after every play he would wind up getting hit really hard, ending up on the ground, 

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