the begining

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Lucy had always felt the weight of her parents' expectations bearing down on her. From as early as she could remember, they pushed her to excel, to be the best, to meet every goal they set for her. At ten years old, Lucy was already worn out by the constant pressure. Her parents' disappointment became a daily refrain, a reminder that she was never good enough.

The night of the fallout, Lucy's home was filled with tension. Her latest report card had not lived up to her parents' impossibly high standards. Voices rose and accusations flew. Lucy tried to explain, to make them understand that she was trying her best, but her words fell on deaf ears. The disappointment in their eyes turned to anger, and for the first time, the argument escalated into something much darker.

Her father's slap stung her cheek, a sharp contrast to the warmth of her tears. Her mother's harsh grip left marks on her arms as they both lashed out in their frustration. Lucy's world crumbled. She couldn't bear the physical pain, but the emotional wounds cut even deeper. That night, with her face bruised and heart shattered, Lucy made a decision that would change her life forever.

With a small backpack stuffed with a few clothes, some snacks, and her favorite teddy bear, Lucy slipped out of the house under the cover of darkness. She walked aimlessly through the quiet streets, her small frame trembling with fear and uncertainty. Every shadow seemed to whisper doubts, but she kept moving, driven by the need to escape the nightmare her home had become.

As dawn broke, casting a soft glow on the deserted streets, Lucy's energy waned. She found herself in an unfamiliar neighborhood, her steps faltering as exhaustion overtook her. She slumped onto a bench, hugging her knees to her chest, tears silently streaming down her face.

Meanwhile, Officer Wade Grey was on his early morning patrol. The sun's first light cast long shadows, and the city was just beginning to stir. Wade was a dedicated cop, known for his keen sense of duty and a heart as big as his imposing frame. As he drove down a quiet street, he noticed a small figure huddled on a bench. His instincts kicked in immediately.

Pulling over, Wade approached cautiously. He saw the little girl's tear-streaked face, her clothes rumpled and eyes filled with a mix of fear and defiance. "Hey there," he said gently, crouching down to her level. "Are you okay?"

Lucy looked up, her eyes meeting Wade's kind gaze. She hesitated, unsure if she could trust this stranger, but something in his eyes reassured her. She shook her head, unable to find her voice.

Wade's heart ached at the sight of her. "It's okay," he said softly. "My name's Wade. I'm a police officer. You're safe now. Can you tell me your name?"

"L-Lucy," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

"Lucy, that's a beautiful name," Wade said with a warm smile. "Can you tell me what happened?"

Tears welled up in Lucy's eyes again, and she choked out her story between sobs. Wade listened intently, his expression growing graver with each word. When she finished, he placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"You're very brave, Lucy," he said. "I'm going to help you. We're going to make sure you're safe, and we'll figure out what to do next. But first, let's get you something to eat, okay?"

Lucy nodded, her fear easing slightly. Wade took her to the patrol car and radioed in, informing dispatch of the situation. He decided to take Lucy to a nearby diner, where they ordered her a warm meal.

As Lucy ate, Wade considered the best course of action. He knew he needed to contact Child Protective Services, but he also wanted to ensure Lucy felt safe and supported. Wade promised Lucy that they would find her a place where she would be cared for and loved.

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