chapter 2

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After finishing their meal, Wade made a decision. "Lucy, I know this might be a lot to ask, but would you like to stay with me and my wife for a while? Just until we figure things out."

Lucy looked up, surprised. "Really? You'd do that?"

"Of course," Wade replied with a gentle smile. "You need a safe place to stay, and I want to help."

With a sense of tentative relief, Lucy followed Wade back to his house. The house was modest but warm, filled with simple, comforting touches that spoke of a life well-lived. Wade's wife, Luna, met them at the door. She had a kind smile and welcoming eyes.

"This is Lucy," Wade said to Luna. "She's going to stay with us for a while."

Luna knelt down to Lucy's level. "Hi, Lucy. It's so nice to meet you. We're glad you're here."

Lucy nodded, clutching her backpack tightly. Luna led her to the spare room, which had a small bed, a nightstand, and a window that let in the soft morning light.

"This is your room," Luna said. "Make yourself at home."

Lucy hesitated but eventually set her backpack down. The room felt safe, but the fear and uncertainty of the night still clung to her. Luna and Wade sensed her hesitation.

"Take your time, Lucy," Wade said. "We're here if you need anything."

Days turned into weeks, and slowly, Lucy began to settle into a routine. Wade and Luna made sure she attended school and helped her with homework in the evenings. They were patient and understanding, giving Lucy the space she needed to process her feelings. Despite their kindness, it took time for her to warm up to them fully.

Initially, Lucy remained quiet and reserved, keeping to herself and staying in her room most of the time. Wade and Luna respected her boundaries, knowing that trust had to be built slowly. They left her notes of encouragement, small gestures to show they cared without overwhelming her.

One evening, after a particularly challenging day at school, Lucy found a note on her nightstand: "Remember, you are stronger than you think. -Wade and Luna." She held the note close, feeling a flicker of warmth in her heart.

Gradually, Lucy began to open up. She started joining Wade and Luna in the living room, watching TV or reading books together. Wade introduced her to some of his favorite movies, and Luna taught her how to knit. Lucy listened, sometimes asking questions, slowly letting her guard down.

One weekend, Luna suggested they bake cookies together. At first, Lucy was hesitant, but as they mixed the dough and shaped the cookies, she found herself enjoying the simple activity. The kitchen filled with laughter as they made a mess, flour dusting their faces and clothes.

"You've got a knack for this," Luna said, smiling at Lucy as they placed the cookies in the oven.

Lucy smiled back, feeling a sense of accomplishment and belonging. "It's fun," she admitted.

Over time, Lucy's nightmares lessened, and her smiles became more frequent. Wade and Luna's consistent presence and gentle encouragement helped her feel safe and valued. They attended parent-teacher meetings, cheered her on at school events, and celebrated her successes, no matter how small.

One evening, as they sat on the couch watching a movie, Lucy turned to Wade and Luna. "Thank you," she said softly. "For everything."

Wade looked at her, his eyes filled with warmth. "You're welcome, Lucy. We're proud of you, you know. You've come a long way."

Lucy nodded, feeling a sense of pride in herself. She still had moments of doubt and fear, but with Wade and Luna's support, she was learning to navigate them.

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