Chapter 19

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Ash's POV

I am so embarrassed, I watch Aaron's sexy back exit the room, when he disappears, I look at my Mom and she is not impressed.

"So is this what you do when we aren't around??" She starts.
"No Mom, it's not even like that, I swear, just let me Dad here too?" I ask nervously knowing that my Dad is super protective of me and it would not end well if he is here.

"Luckily, no, he is coming tomorrow," she rubs her foreheads and sighs, I watch her waiting for her to say something. "Baby, I know you are growing and will get boyfriends at some point but this can't be how I meet them, does he know??" She asks, I immediately catch on and slowly nod watching her, anticipating her reaction.

"And how does he feel about it, how are you sure he isn't seeing you as a fetish, or 'something new'" I get what she is try to say but just thinking about that hurts a little.
"He is okay with it and he likes me Ma, I know he does, he hasn't tried anything I haven't allowed, I promise," I answer softly and reassuring her. I trust Aaron, he hasn't told me everything but after what I saw yesterday, I can wait, we are still new after all.

"Okay my love, just be safe okay?? And your Dad should not hear of this, and I want you to invite him to dinner on Sunday before your dad and I have to leave again so that we can meet him, I wanna know who this bold boy that kissed you goodbye while I was standing right here, okay?" She giggles, kisses my forehead and leaves, I am so embarrassed and I know Aaron definitely won't let me live that down.

I get ready for school, can't wait it see my man, I know it has only been an hour but I can't help it. I try to call him, his phone is going straight to voicemail, that is weird but I don't think much about it at least I'll see him at school by my locker.

I meet Dea at the entrance like I always do and we walk and talk. I tell her what happened last night and this morning and my face won't go back to its original shade we reach my locker and Aaron is still nowhere to be found, okay then. "I told you that'd do the trick and I am glad that auntie didn't give you a hard time about it, anyway babes I'll see you in the 5th period." She kisses my cheek and leaves. I check my phone hoping to get a notification that he called or something but nothing, okay now I am really worried, but I can't just go to his house especially since I haven't been introduced yet and our date is literally tomorrow.

It's lunch and Dea is talking about something but I can't concentrate, all I am think about is him, is he okay, is he not hurt, you know what? fuck it I am not waiting any longer I am going to his house I don't care about the rest of the classes. I cut Dea mid sentence. "Girl I am so sorry but I haven't heard from Aaron since he left this morning and I am worried so I am going to see him, to make sure that he is okay" I gather my belongings and head out without waiting for a reply.

I get to his house, I go and knock on the door, I am met with who I am guessing is his mom, "I am so sorry to bother you ma'am, but is Aaron home?" I ask hoping he actually is here.
"No he isn't, I don't know where he is so you can now leave," she says and closes the door. I am shocked because she doesn't seem to care, I get back in the car and check my phone hoping for an update, I start to tear up, I can't help it, it mostly happens when I am stressed and I can't do anything about it. I try to calm down as I put my forehead against the wheel. Then I hear my phone ring, I scramble to get it. I pick it up and...

"Aaron," I breath out a sigh of relief, "are you okay?? Why weren't you at school or at home?? Aaron could y-
"Baby can you please come to the X hotel?"
"Okay" is all I manage before he hangs up.
He doesn't answer all my question but I obviously start the car and make my way there, it's a nice hotel, not too fancy but you definitely can't come here it you don't have certain amount of money. During the drive I am wondering why he is at a hotel, I can't help be get anxious at the possibilities.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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