Starting New

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Travis had always known there was something down deep inside of him that was different than everyone else. At least everyone else he knew. That was, until, he met Sal Fisher and his friends. Something came alive in him the second he saw the boy's bright blue pigtails, his band tees, his ripped jeans, and his mask. He was just different. But, Travis was raised to push these feelings he had down. So far down that when they inevitably came back up, it was anger. He couldn't help but lash out. Guilt swallowed him whole, for getting angry and for having those hidden feelings.

He wants to change. He wants to be the man he can become for Sal. The only thing stopping him is if Sal doesn't want him back. I mean why would he? Travis has done nothing but bully him for two years now. This year, he's going to do better though. He's going to try and start fresh. Be a new man. For sally face.

Sal Fisher has lived in Nockfell for 2 years now. Over the years he's made a great group of friends for himself. He finally feels like he's found a family in these people. Although he still missed Jersey in his heart, he's made a true home here. Today is the first day of his Junior year. Nervous is an understatement. To him, it's just another year of dealing with Travis' bullshit. Most of what he says doesn't get to Sal. Lots of people have said way worse. He knows Travis just has it rough.

As Sal walks through the doors of the high school, of course, the first person he sees is Travis himself. Sal tries to ignore him and keep talking to Larry about the new Sanity's Fall song, but he sees Travis speed walking up to him.

"Here we go," says Larry catching on to Travis' fast-paced walk, "God, can he not wait 5 minutes before coming to harrass you?"

"That does seem a bit strange. I mean that is eager. Maybe it's something else"

"Like what?"

"I DON'T KNOW!? He's almost here so just shu-" Travis runs the rest of the way up to the two and cuts off their conversation

"Hey Sally Fa- uh erm I mean, hey Sal." Says Travis, trying to seem confident and failing.

"What do you want Travis" Sal says rather coldly. No matter what he says to Larry, he's still cautious around Travis.

"I was wondering if we could maybe talk?" He eyes at Larry and then back to Sal, "In private?"

"Uhh.. yeah sure just give me a sec, meet you outside?" Sal replies. Travis nods and heads to the doors. Larry looks down at Sal in shock.

"Dude no way you're gonna actually go talk to him?! He's probably just gonna beat you up, man! I'm begging you, don't actually do it! Lets just go to class and leave him waiting"

"Nah man, that makes me no better than Travis! And it would just give him something to use against me later. Plus, he seems genuine. Just cover for me for five minutes. That's all I need" Larry shakes his head slowly as he walks away to class. Sal walks outside into the bright hot August sun and sees Travis on the bench out front, head down with his hands on his knees.

"Hey man, what's up?" Sal sits next to him. They sit together in silence for a minute. Travis slightly sniffling next to him. When the boy looks up, Sal can see he's been lightly crying. His face red and puffy.

"I'm so sorry Sal!" He basically cries out, "I never meant to be this mean to you, or your friends. It's just I don't know how to be anything else. Maybe I just don't want people to think I'm weak or something? I don't know I-"

"People don't think you're weak Travis. Honestly, I think it's the opposite." Sal sits a little closer to Travis. He gently puts his hand on the crying boy's shoulder "It's ok man, I get it. I forgive you. Do you wanna go somewhere else? Maybe just ditch school for the day? It's the first day, you aren't gonna miss anything. Let's get away for a while. It seems like you're going through something." Travis wipes his eyes and looks up at Sal. His blue eyes shadowed by his mask but he can still tell they are full of sorrow and worry. Travis shakes his head no and takes a deep breath before speaking again.

"Sal, can we just start over? I want to be better than this. Can we be friends?" Sal leans back a little, obviously taken aback by this question. He stares at Travis for just a second, smiling underneath his mask before saying,

"Of course we can." Travis smiles as he sniffles once more. Sal reaches out his hand. "Hi, I'm Sal" Travis giggles a little and does the same. They shake hands lightly.

"Hi, I'm Travis"

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