Science Fiction / Double Feature

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hey travis would you wanna do something soon? like hang out? larry and them don't have to be there, it can be just us two... lmk

hey! yeah that sounds really fun :)
where would you want to?

uhhh... my place? if that's ok with you of course

yeah that sounds great! how about saturday??

sounds good dude see u then XD

Travis smiled and reread those messages all night. He ignored the deep knawing pit in his stomach for one second and let himself be happy. Why should anyone else care? Travis just couldn't get over the fact that Sal wanted to hang out with him. He could kick his feet like a little kid if he wanted to. Nothing could ruin this feeling for Travis. He went to bed dreaming up ideas of things to do together.

Ash and Todd were still getting used to seeing Travis every day at lunch. It had almost been two weeks but it was still a shock every time. Larry seems to have gotten over it. Maybe it's because of the talk he and Travis had last week, maybe he just doesn't care. Sal never lets it bother him. If anything relating to the boys' friendship gets brought up in a bad light, Sal just smoothly changes the topic to something better. Travis appreciated it. He never had a friend who would stick up for him the way Sal does.

"So do you guys wanna do anything this weekend? Maybe the mall or the movies on Saturday?" Larry says, breaking the awkward silence at the group's table. Travis knew how this would end. Sal would agree to new plans and leave Travis in the dirt like everyone else. He was just waiting to hear the words.

"Nah sorry! I've already made plans for Saturday but maybe tonight if we can?" Travis quickly lifted his head to look at Sal when he said that. He smiled and looked back down, so as to not give himself away.

"More important than us? What is it?" Ash chimed in. She momentarily glanced at Travis with a sneaking suspicion, but would never say anything.

"Yeah sorry guys, my dad is trying to do something just us two that night. Seems important to him" As Sal finished his sentence, he bumped Travis' knee with his leg to let him know he was lying. Travis was amazed he could come up with a fake excuse so fast and fool everyone at the same time. "But seriously if we can do something tonight I'm totally down. Movies maybe? They are having a showing of Rocky Horror tonight and I think it'd be fun!" The group all agrees to go out, all except for Travis. These weren't his friends, he didn't want to just invite himself on their plans and-

"Travis, do you want to come too?" Sal turns to him. He was taken aback by the question. He didn't expect to be asked to hang out two days in a row. "Don't worry about the others, if they give you any shit I'll deal with it. Just come and have fun with us tonight! We can even get ready at my place." Travis wondered how Sal was so confident and chill about these sorts of things. It would take years for Travis to work up the courage to ask these questions. He could see that Sal was still waiting on an answer though.

"Yeah sure, why not?" He knew why not. Travis knows the more he hangs out around Sal the worse the feelings he has inside will get. He knows that at some point they'll have to come out, whether he wants it to or not. Travis just silently smiled though and went back to eating his lunch before the period ended.

When Travis arrived at Sal's apartment that evening he didn't know what he was getting himself into. He had only seen a handful of rated R movies in his life and Rocky Horror had not been one of them. Even though he was nervous and felt that he was going to explode, he was excited. He was going to Sal's apartment.

hey I'm here... can you come get me?

Sal read Travis' message and headed toward the elevator. Technically he didn't need Sal to get to his apartment but it didn't hurt to help. Once the two made it back into the apartment, Sal gave Travis a short tour and then showed him into his room. Travis was amazed by all the cool posters and decorations, but what he was most excited about was Gizmo lying on Sal's bed. He immediately started petting him and calling him the "sweetest boy ever". Sal just silently watched in the back waiting for him to finish. Once Travis did get over loving Gizmo, Sal patted him down on the floor where Sal had laid out all kinds of accessories and makeup.

"What is all of that?" Travis asked with a burst of nervous laughter.

"It's makeup... Duh?"

"Yeah, no shit... I meant what are we doing with it?"

"You don't think I'm letting you go to a Rocky Horror showing not all dressed up? Especially as a virgin?"

"HEY, that's rude to assume" Travis took actual offense to the boy's comment.

"NO! no not like that! I didn't mean- ok. When it's your first time seeing Rocky, you are called a virgin. You draw a big V on your forehead and people get all dressed up! Its all part of the fun I promise!" Travis was still hesitant about Sal's offer but eventually, he gave in and sat down next to him. "Good! Now since you've never seen it I assume you don't know the characters. I think you'd make a good Rocky with the blond hair and all. And I can be Frankenfurter! Oh! this is gonna be so much fun thank you for letting me do this Travis."Even though he couldn't see it, Travis could tell the shorter boy was grinning ear to ear.

"So, who will everyone else be?"

"Well we've done this a few times so I think we have it down by now. Ash is Columbia, Todd is Magenta, Larry is Riff Raff, and I do either Janet or Frankenfurter. If Chug and Maple ever join us they usually do Brad and Janet. So, unfortunately, you're the only virgin tonight." The two laugh about it and Sal starts to do Travis' makeup and pick out jewelry for him. It felt like the two were bonding and starting to become close friends. They both loved being in each other's company. One more than the other.

Once the two were done getting ready, they headed to the theater together. The rest of the group was meeting the boys there, but when they both arrived, they were not only shocked at Travis coming but also his looks.

"Shit ok! Maybe I did misjudge you Trav! Perhaps you can be cool sometimes!" Larry chimed in as the two finally caught up with the rest of the group.

"Glad to know how you feel about me and don't call me 'trav',"

"Whatever you say Phelps" Larry laughed as they all walked in the theater together. Travis felt a little odd walking in with a giant red "V" on his forehead, but once he walked into the theater he saw a few more people like him and he felt better about it. The showing went smoothly all while changing Travis' life forever. The group had an awesome time and was beginning to get more comfortable around Travis' presence. Everything was finally turning around for him.

As the group started saying their goodbyes, mostly to Ashley since she is the only one who doesn't live in the apartments, Travis started saying goodbye to Sal.

"How about you just come back over? I mean you're still coming tomorrow right? Doesn't make much sense to go home for twelve hours." Sal asked

"I mean are you sure? I don't want to intrude." Travis was unsure but was already following Sal out of the parking lot and back toward the apartments.

"Nonsense! I want you too!"

"Fine... if you insist, Frankenfurter." The boys laughed and kept walking together, talking about the movie the whole way home.

Travis was going to spend the night with the boy of his dreams. He couldn't stop smiling.

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