Best Friends

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It had been three days since Travis asked to start over with Sal. He hadn't told Larry, just cause he knew the taller boy wouldn't believe him, but these past few days have been quieter without Travis constantly harassing the group. So quiet, in fact, that Larry was starting to get suspicious.

"Hey Sal, so listen. What DID you and Travis talk about on Monday? He's been awfully quiet and it's freaking me out man."

"Nothing honestly! It doesn't matter!"

"Dude be honest, I know when you're lying. And what would that dickhead even have to say to you that isn't hateful? I don't understand why you feel the need to lie?" Larry flips onto his back on his bed, letting his long hair sprawl out under him. Sal sighed and paused the video game the duo was playing. He felt bad for lying about it but Sal didn't think Larry would believe him. It was so out of the blue for Sal himself and even he has trouble believing it.

"If I tell you will you drop it? Like for real man, you can't joke about it. I'm serious." Larry becomes intrigued, sits up on the bed, and crosses his legs.

"Yes, yes, of course dude whatever!" Larry throws his arms into the air gesturing that he surrenders.

"Ok so... Travis asked if it was possible for us to start over and be friends. He genuinely apologized for everything he's done and said he wants to change. I'm a little cautious right now but I think he's making a serious turnaround." Before Sal can even finish his sentence, Larry bursts out laughing. "DUDE I'M SERIOUS! I think he can actually change!"

"No fucking way. I don't believe there is a single good bone in Travis Phelps' body." Larry crashes back down onto the bed still giggling a little about what Sal said.

"Oh come on Larry! Seriously! Has the last three days not shown he's capable of change? I'm not saying he's gonna become my new best friend but I think there's at least a chance of becoming good friends!"

"Yeah well, he better not become your new best friend 'cause then we'd have some actual problems. Now that we've moved on from that ordeal, can we get back to playing our game?"

"Yeah of course" Sal unpauses the game and the two play for a few more hours. Once Sal goes up to his own apartment, he sees he has a new text from a new number.

New Number
hey sal it's me! don't ask how I got ur number. its been a long night lol

Sal laughs a little at the message and saves the number as a new contact.

hey trav! yknow u could've just asked? were friends now remember? you're allowed to have my phone number

don't call me trav. but thanks :)
goodnight sal

goodnight travis

The next morning at school Travis felt he was being watched a little more than usual. It felt like someone was staring at him all day but he couldn't figure out who. Once lunch finally rolled around, Travis headed towards his table where he usually sat by himself, but today he saw Sal wave him over to sit with him and his group of friends. He didn't know them well, really only by name. Usually, he just clumped them together with Sal like they were one entity, but as he walked over to sit with them, he noticed how different they all were from Sal. He had this cheeriness about him. He could always see the good in someone. Even someone like Travis. But the blond boy could see the confusion and a little anger on Ashley and Todd's faces as he sat down. Larry just looked a little shocked but he assumed Sal would tell his best friend everything.

"Guys, I want to tell you that me and Travis have decided to start over as friends. He has really shown promise these past few days and I would appreciate it if you gave him another chance as I did." Sal eyed all three of his friends as Travis gave them all a small wave and an even smaller smile. He barely talked all through lunch because he could feel the judgment coming from the other three. Travis didn't really mind it. It wasn't much different than sitting at his table by himself, but this time he had Sal beside him. People could've said anything they wanted to at Travis in that moment and it wouldn't have mattered because he was sitting next to Sal Fisher.

At that moment, he could feel that familiar feeling in his gut. Shame. Travis quickly got up and rushed to the bathroom with his head low. Larry noticed this odd behavior and followed him shortly after. As Travis walked down the hall, his mind raced with thoughts. How could he do this? What was he thinking? He could never be friends with Sal. The thoughts he was having were impure and wrong. No boy should ever think this way. Travis locked himself in a stall and tried his best to breathe and calm down before going back out and facing his friend. Just then, he heard the familiar sound of someone else coming into the bathroom. He tried to be quiet so as to not give away his location but it was too late.

"Travis I know you're in here. Come out. We need to talk." Travis could instantly recognize the mans voice as Larrys. "Dude come on I can see your bright green fucking shoes, you aren't slick." Travis slowly started to walk out of the stall to meet the other boy.

"What do you want Larry?"

"Look man, I know you and Sal are starting to be friends and I think that's great for him and all but let me be fucking clear. If I EVER catch wind of you hurting my best friend again, its over for you. Do you understand me? Over! So help me God or I will make sure you never even DREAM of coming near ANY OF US ever again." Travis seems to shrink a little and quickly nods his head. "Awesome. Good talk." Larry pats Travis' arm and smiles at him as he leaves the bathroom, leaving Travis in shock. After a minute, he collects himself and joins Sal in the lunchroom again where Larry acts like nothing happened.

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