XII. legerdemain (part II)

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I will be the one to change it. I'm going to change it now. 

She pushed the door and stepped inside, holding her breath. 

 There were more people inside than she thought there would be, all seated in different places inside of Cirque Hypnosia - this time of the day the place seemed more like a diner than a stage for magic shows. Some of them were day drinking right next to the bar, others casually enjoying their meals, resulting in a symphony of cutlery sounds. Still, the soothing music covered all of them, giving the place a blithesome vibe. Jennifer could even notice the details in the daylight that she didn't back then, some beautiful pink orchids stood next to the Houdini posters, and there was an eye painting right behing the wall, with an ironic don't blink! sign. 

 Jennifer felt her heart slowing down, her anxiety casually leaving itself to awe as she kept gazing at all the vintage furniture. She took a few steps, yet there was no sign of William, Charlie or Maya. 

 She passed the back of the stage, and walked amid the tables, other people's conversations filled her ears as she went by. Just a bit further, a little boy's joyous giggles were audible, she could see how thrilled the boy was sitting next to his mother at a table, who was also laughing. 

 There, she saw him. 

 So, he was the reason behind that little boy's giggles, holding what seemed to be a coin, and a few playing cards in his hands. Of course. Why would she assume anything else? 

 Jennifer stared at him, taking the chance of the fact that he hadn't noticed that she was there, gray eyes wide open, and a big smile spread all over his face. The little boy and his mother seemed to be very pleased with the performance, the boy even gave a high five to William before they both left the table where he did his magic tricks. 

 Jennifer couldn't tell the shape her face was in, but she assumed she had a timid smile that she tried to hide, from the way her cheeks felt heavy and her habit of biting inside of her lips. Just like a slowed movie scene, it took a moment for him to realize her presence - his colorful eyes watched the boy and his mother leave the table, and he turned to his back as their eyes met. 

 Truth be told, that kind of felt nostalgic to Jennifer, if nostalgia was considered to be a concept for something that happened five days ago. His eyebrows lifted just like the last time he saw her, the surprised expression on his face was new, but the curious sparkle in his gray eyes was unmistakably the same. Slowly, William Aguillard's lips formed a welcoming smile - this time more daring, as an actual friend of Jennifer Hope's. 

 "Excuse me, ma'am," An unfamiliar voice, a demanding one, suddenly interrupted. Jennifer stopped staring at William to see who it was, only to see a waitress standing next to her. Suddenly, blood rushed all over her cheeks. "We take the payment before the card trick show."

 William intervened before Jennifer attempted to gabble a few embarrasing words. "This one's on the house, Chloe." He used his walking stick -this time a brown one- to stand up, and approached to Jennifer calmly. "She's no customer, but a friend of mine." 

 Chloe's doubtful eyes wandered around between William and Jennifer, possibly trying to figure out the truth. Though Chloe was in no position to question, something about the way she stared at them made Jennifer feel like she was being judged. "Won't want the boss to see you dilly-dally." 

 William sighed. "No worries, the boss too will be happy for her visit." Then, he winked at Jennifer - now that was nostalgic, considering the way he kept saving her ass constantly. The boss. Surely he was talking about Charlie. Jennifer found herself wishing he wouldn't be here today. Else, Sophia would definitely have some questions. 

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