Chapter 1: A New Beginning

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Shelley pondered the difficulties of the previous year as she walked through the sunny hospital hallways on the first day of the new year. Despite everything, she kept her optimism for the coming year high, hoping for a plethora of benefits and fewer disappointments, no matter how bad things got this year.

As she turns a corner in the hallway, she glances at the man walking next to her and asks, "Would you like to grab a drink at my place?"

"Are you sure you are up for that?" he asks.

"Absolutely! I could really use something to take my mind off things. In my fridge, I have a variety of drinks that I think will complement the delicious fruit cake I baked yesterday. The only thing I'm missing now is someone to enjoy it with."

"I'm game if you are," she says. He was about to say something when he was interrupted.

"Hello, Shelley? It's quite fortunate that we happen to cross paths here. This eliminates the need for me to navigate the steps leading to your unit." A familiar voice spoke.

"Sarah, what are you doing here? Is everything okay?"

"Everything is just fine. It's been a while since we caught up." She replies. She turns to the gentleman beside Shelley and says, "Hello David. How have you been?"

'Good.' It's wonderful to see you, Sarah. He turned to Shelley and planted a kiss on her cheek. "I think I will leave you two to catch up. We will talk later. See you around, Sarah."


Now, with her attention back to Shelley, she says, "I am so sorry if I got in the way. He can stay, you know."

"It's okay, Sarah. He is not leaving because you are here. I am sure he has to get back to work." Joining her arm with Shelley, she says, "Really! Then why do I have a feeling that he hates me?"

A soft giggle slips through Shelley's lips as she playfully remarks, "Oh, come on, David is too nice to hate anyone. Trust me, he doesn't have it in him to hate you."

"If you say so."

"Anyway, how have you been? The last time we talked, you were asking about my opinion on a dress to wear to a club. By the way, who was the lucky guy you went to the club with? I never asked about that." The two ladies walk to the curbside taxi stand, hand in hand.

"Please don't remind me about that. It is a thing of the past," Shelley retorted.

"Okay, if you say so."

"By the way, how is Ben doing? You know, I haven't been able to express my gratitude for his assistance since the night I became intoxicated. He was so caring to me. I recall the way you two gazed at each other in the car, although I was inebriated, I could tell there was more going on between you two."

"You were drunk, Sarah." Shelley retorted.

"But that doesn't change what I saw," she remarks.

Sarah went on and on about Ben. Although Shelley disliked the constant reminders of him, She found herself unable to silence her. She doesn't need to know what's going on in her romantic life. The last thing she requires is a social companion with whom to discuss their failed relationship over a drink.


"At last, I have returned. This place is a mess." He paced around the room. "Before I go to Shelley's flat, I need to get this place cleaned up. The thought of surprising her excites me greatly. She is probably looking forward to seeing me."

Leaving my mother in the familiar surroundings of Florida as I boarded the plane back to Ghana to be with the woman I love was one of the most emotionally challenging decisions I've ever had to make. Despite the distance, my mother's unwavering support and understanding of my choice to relocate made the farewell a little easier.

Right now just the thought of holding Shelley in my arms and kissing her is what excites me greatly. I might even consider getting her to let me stay the night at her place. To this day, I long for her presence. Certainly, my pals must also be missing me, but they can patiently wait. As he begins to tidy up the apartment, Ben leaves his bags on the bed.

"Hey, are you sure you're up for having company? I thought you seemed exhausted today, probably because the new doctor you're working for is more demanding and challenging than the previous one," David remarked with concern. "I'm still baffled by your request to switch to a new doctor. I thought you were cool with your previous doctor."

"I am. It's just that being around him reminds me of someone I wish to forget. If I am to move on with my life, I need to move away from the people who remind me of the past," she says.

"Are you to say that you cut all ties with the people you came to know and love because of Adam? Simply because you broke up?"

"Yes, I am. Even though it hurts to admit it."

"How are they taking this?" David enquires.

"Well, I was surprised when Dr. Blackson accepted and respected my decision to move away from him and the others in Ben's circle, but Miriam refused to. She still asks me out from time to time. It's difficult to refuse a pregnant woman, you know."

"I think it was the wrong decision on your part. I mean, if Ben messes up with you, they shouldn't have to suffer for it. You are not treating them fairly," David states.

She sighed, acknowledging her mistakes, but accepting the inevitable outcome. As they made their way to the apartment, they failed to notice the green Range Rover parked in the car parking lot.

At that moment, Shelley heard a voice calling out to her. Simultaneously, she felt a hand grip her arm, spin her around and kiss her passionately.

In surprise, she forcefully pushed the person away from her. Her eyes widened when she realised who it was.


"Hello, Shelley."

"What the heck are you doing? And who do you think you are to kiss me?" she asked him furiously.

He asks, "What do you mean? I was happy to see you, and I miss you, which is why I couldn't control myself and decided to kiss you."

"You say you miss me." She shoved him in the chest. "Were you taught to stop all communication if you miss someone? Did they instruct you not to call or text them for a year? You have quite the nerve to come here and demand a kiss from me. You abandoned me, and you walk in here from God knows where coming to claim what you left."

'Go back to wherever you came from. I do not want to see you ever again.'

"Shelley, I am sorry. Please let me explain." He pleads. "Just leave; I don't want to hear it." She pulls David along as they storm to my apartment, leaving Ben standing alone in the parking lot, sad and shocked.

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