Chapter 2: Jealousy, Jealousy

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Alex ^^

Summers Pov:

Rebecca and I pull into the parking lot right outside of the football field behind the school and get out of the car. We grab all of the posters and our bags and start making our way over to the sidelines of the field, when suddenly we hear the football team enter the field to start their training. 

"I'm so excited for this season!!" Rebecca says excitedly while skipping around. 

"Me too!!" I say. We reach the sidelines of the field and sit down to start designing the posters for the pep rally while we wait for the rest of the squad. Rebecca always likes to be 15 minutes to half an hour early before cheer practice as she is the cheer captain. Rebecca just likes dragging me along because I'm her best-friend and really the only one in the cheer squad who wants to design the posters as we have no assistants to do it. I look over to watch my brother train but then suddenly I lock eyes with Micheal who is stretching in the middle of the field and he winks at me, and I roll my eyes back at him. 

"Omg Micheal totally just winked at you!! He is so into you!" Rebecca squeals while nudging my shoulder, startling me out of my trance. I forgot she was right next to me. 

"Rebecca, I told you. He's like this with every other girl. Besides he probably just sees me as a little sister so I bet you he's just doing this to get a reaction out of me so stop your prying and continue designing!" I say. 

"Ok ok Jeeze sorry" Rebecca says. 

We continue designing for another 10 minutes when the rest of the cheer team finally arrives to the sidelines. Our cheer squad has 8 sophomores and 8 seniors on our team. The seniors have dark blue and white uniforms, while the sophomores have light blue and black uniforms. 

"Hey girls!!" Alex says to Rebecca and I. Alex is super sweet. I have known her since I was in middle school. She is around my height, with blonde hair and green eyes. She is apart of the sophomore squad though so we don't get to cheer together as I'm on the senior squad but I can definitely see a cheer captain vibe for her when she get's to the senior squad.  

"Hey Alex!" Rebecca and I say at the same time while getting up to hug her. After we hugged everyone, the sophomores went on the other side of the sidelines to work on their routine while the seniors started preparing our routine for the prep rally of the first game of the season. 

"Heyyy everyone!!" I look over to my right to see who it was. Poppy Myers. Her red long hair was pulled up in a high pony tail. She wore white nikes and very heavy makeup. I'm talking bronzer, concealer, mascara, blush, foundation and lipgloss. The rest of the cheer squad only wore concealer, blush, mascara and lipgloss. Here she was strutting up to the sidelines thinking it was cool to be 15 minutes late to cheer practice, causing wolf whistles from the football team watching her. I glare at Jacob and Micheal telling them to stop. 

"Poppy where were you?" Rebecca questions while rolling her eyes and Sounding extremely annoyed. 

"Obviously getting ready. It takes along time to look this good you know" she says in a duh tone.

"That's cute. 20 pushups on the side now. Oh and because you were late, you're going to have  to watch us do the pep rally routine because we are already 16 counts into the routine" Rebecca says smugly. I'm pretty shocked at how feisty she is today. But then again this is Poppy who she's talking to so it make sense. Poppy however, just huffs and rolls her eyes and begins doing her push ups while we continue learning the routine. 

It's now 8:15am and cheer practice is now over. We like to leave sometime before school starts at 8:30 just so that the girls can have a shower if they want to beforehand. The rest of the cheer squad already left leaving Rebecca and I to pack up all the posters and out them in her car. After putting the posters in the car, we head on over to the school doors and walk through and begin walking to our lockers. I look over my shoulder in the hallway and see Poppy and Micheal making out. I don't know why but it bothers me so much. Like why does he have to make-out with Poppy? Out of every girl he could've chosen, he chooses Poppy?

"See Rebecca? I told you he's a player now" I state while turning her around so she can see who I'm talking about. 

"Yeah yeah ok I believe you now. I still think he likes you though" She says while smirking. I roll my eyes at her and we continue walking to our lockers to grab our books for the first class which is Chemistry. 


What do we think of the side characters Poppy and Alex? should they stay in the story, have a bigger part, etc?

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