Chapter 1

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Here's a little backstory about me. My name is Detective Lyla Reid, I'm 32, and was born and raised in Chicago. I used to work in the homicide unit at the 31st district and after a recent case with intelligence Sargent Hank Voight asked me if I wanted a permanent transfer. That's where I am now.

I knew one of the officers up in intelligence already, Kim Burgess, we both went to the same Zumba class when we had time. So I sent her a quick text the morning of my first day up there.
"Hey I'm going to try and surprise everybody today. Do you know how everybody up there takes their coffee?"
"Get three black coffees, three mochas, and yours." Kim sent back.
So when I got to the 21st I greeted the desk Sargent Trudy Platt and she buzzed me up to intelligence.
"Hey everyone I brought you coffee and I got a bag of scones." I greeted them. "These three are black coffee, these three are mochas, and that one is mine I've already drank out of it."
"Thank you." A male detective said grabbing one of the black coffees "you must be Lyla Reid. I'm Antonio Dawson."
"Yes I am. Nice to meet you Antonio." I looked at the desks "which one is mine?"
"This one over here." Antonio showed me to my new desk which was by the stairs we just came up.
"Yes thank you for the coffee. I'm Adam Ruzek but I'm guessing since you know Kim you already knew that."
I nodded "yeah she told me last week at Zumba about some of you. Plus I did the one case awhile back with you guys but refreshers on names is always nice."
"Well good we just got a case." Hank said to everyone "this is John Harris. He's a chef at a country club that has recently been having a lot of DOAs show up."
"So we think this John has been poisoning the food?" I asked.
"Yes but we don't have solid enough evidence yet." Voight explained "Atwater and Burgess start questioning some of the club goers. Ruzek and Halstead find out what we know about this Harris guy. Dawson and Reid go to the morgue and check on our DOA from this morning." We all nodded and grabbed our stuff to go our separate ways.
Dawson drove us to the morgue. "Hi this is Detective Dawson and I'm Detective Reid we heard you got a body in this morning." I started telling the mortician.
"Yeah it's this way. Are you investigating the cause of her death?" She asked us.
"Yeah, did you do an autopsy on her yet?" Antonio asked.
"Yeah I got that here as well. I'm still waiting on the toxicology screen the family requested." The mortician handed over a file to us.
I began reading over it as Antonio started looking over the body for anything weird or out of place. "Do you have the autopsies for the others that came in recently from this country club?" I asked her and she nodded grabbing out more files.
"What is it?" Antonio asked me and I just held up a hand as I started comparing all the reports. From my years working in homicide I had gotten pretty good at reading these files and finding the little details.
I handed the files back to her. "We'll be doing our own toxicology test on her and if you still have any of the others them as well. I have suspicions I know their cause of death but I just need to be sure." I explained to her. "Antonio let's give Ruzek and Halstead a call."  He still looked confused and I just pulled him out and back to the car.
"Hey what's up guys?" Jay asked.
"Hey Jay I have a theory after looking over the autopsies that they all overdosed on fentanyl but we need to wait on the tox screen to prove that. If you are at the country club take a look around the kitchen for anything." I explained "we will give Voight a call to fill him in as well."
"Alright sounds good. We will take a look around here."
Antonio just stared at me for a moment before giving Voight a call and filling him in before driving back to the district.
"Alright so Lyla has theory but we need to wait on all the toxicology tests to come back. Halstead and Ruzek did you find anything?" Voight asked them.
They shook their heads " if there is anything it's not kept at the club." Ruzek replied.
"Alright. Atwater and Burgess how about you?"
"We had a few people tell us they stopped eating the food at the club because it kept making them feel sick but nothing besides that." Burgess informed us.
"Ok as we wait on tox screens let's have two people go and order some food. They can pretend to take a few bites and then box the rest up and we could test the food directly." I suggested.
Hank looked thoughtful for a moment "ok any volunteers to go with Reid since it's her idea?"
Dawson raised his hand. "I'll go with her. We will make ourselves look like regulars to a country club."

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