Chapter 6

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It has been a few weeks now that Antonio and I have been sleeping together. We still haven't made anything official but neither of us have even gone on dates with anyone else either. We've both have made sure that whatever it is that we have doesn't get in the way of our work when we are working on a case together.
"We have a new and weird case." Voight said as he started pinning pictures up on the board. "We have a series of car jackings and homicides. Every car that has been stolen has been old sport cars and whoever is doing it doesn't care if the owner is in the car or not because they will shoot them and throw them out before taking the car. We do know it's two guys and that they are reselling the cars after. We have patrol out to watch for anything. Dawson and Ruzek go and question a few of these used car lots. Halstead and Reid go question these neighbors and see if they saw anything. Burgess and Atwater run these plates and see if anything pops anywhere. They are probably changing plates but we have to be sure."
We all nodded and gathered our things to head out.
"Reid I'm driving." I heard behind me as Halstead went to his truck.
"That's fine with me." I shrugged and jumped into his passenger seat. I looked up a few of the addresses we were given "these are all within a few blocks from each other." I told him.
"Alright we will head on over there." He started his truck and took off to the neighborhood we were given. "So what's going on with you and Dawson?" He asked me.
"I don't know what you're talking about." I replied not giving anything up that easy.
"Please, you've been arriving about the same time and even leave Mollys together. Not to mention the times he's came in smelling like roses the same scent you use." I swallowed as he was piecing everything together. "So what happened in New York that you two are now so close."
"I .... I" i stammered trying to find my words.
"I knew it. You're blushing now and stuttering over words. You two are totally sleeping together. I was just messing with you guys a few weeks ago when he was driving you home but now I know it's true."
"Ok are you done with your interrogation now?" I asked him.
He shook his head and had a big grin on his face "Well I am happy for you guys but just be careful in the workplace."
I nodded "we try to not let it get in the way of work but I know sooner or later it's going to catch up to us and someone might get hurt."
"So far you guys are doing a great job keeping it separate but if you haven't put a label on it besides fuck buddies you need to figure that out. It will also help when you're on a case and one of you gets hurt so you have some idea of how you truly feel." He was lecturing me but I knew he had a point and that I had to talk to Antonio later.
"Ok we're here which house do you want to go to first?" I asked him as he parked.
"Let's start here and work our way down the block."He replied pointing to the corner house. I agreed as we got out of his truck. I looked around the neighborhood thinking it looked familiar before it hit me that this was the neighborhood my older brother and his wife just recently moved to.
"Hey Jay I know this neighborhood. My brother just moved here very recently and he has an old mustang. I know he parks it in the garage but he could become a potential target."
Jay stopped in his tracks and looked at me "we can discuss it with Voight later but right now let's talk to a few people around here and just see if they know anything."
"Ok" I agreed "let's just talk to a few people. I could just be overthinking and he might not even be a target."
The first house we talked to hadn't even heard of the car jackings or homicides do they were no help. It took a few more houses before someone said they hadn't seen anything but we were welcome to look at their cameras to see if they picked anything up. The next house we talked to said they heard something and looked out the window to see a man about six feet tall running down the street but it was dark and they couldn't make out any other helpful details.
"I think we've officially asked everyone on this block. Let's see if that camera got anything helpful." I suggested. Jay pulled up that houses camera footage and we watched for awhile before catching a glimpse of the man the one lady described running followed by a Cadillac driving by with the man we just saw driving it and a man getting thrown out into the street.
"Well we have our guy we just don't have a very good picture or description of him. Let's save this clip though and send it to mouse maybe he can pull something from it." I suggested. He agreed and sent it over to the tech guy.
"If you want we can give Voight a call and give him an update on what we found and run over to your brother's house." Jay said "I know if it were my brother I would be worried too."
"Thanks." I replied with a half a smile. I gave Voight a call updating him on the video we sent over to mouse along with what the neighbors told us. I also informed him about how my brother lived in this neighborhood and had a mustang so he could become a target.
"Alright his house is just a couple blocks away from here let's just go and check it out."
"Ok let's go." Jay said and followed my directions to said house. We parked and walked up to the front door and before we could knock I heard something break followed by a gunshot. I looked over at Jay and he could sense my worry as we both reached for our guns and I knocked on the door before opening it.
I looked around and into the living room first where I saw my brother bleeding and another man pointing a gun at him.
"Chicago police. Drop your weapon." I demanded pointing my own gun at him. I knew Jay was behind me with his own gun and I heard him call for backup and an ambulance for a gsw. I was thankful he called for the ambulance but I figured the backup would be useless unless they were close by. But our suspect saw Jay and he panicked and he pointed his gun at me and fired. I felt the bullet hit me and I fired back hitting him in his leg before he started running. I saw Jay take off through the back door after him and I went over to check on my brother.
"Logan what happened?" I asked.
"I don't know I had just gotten home from work and parked in the garage and it's like they were watching and waiting for me cause they jumped me and then that guy followed me inside and shot me just before you got here. Thank god you showed up." He replied struggling to sit up and into the chair behind him. He looked at me before adding with concern "Lyla you're bleeding."
I shook my head "I'll be fine. Where's your first aid kit?"
"In the bathroom down the hall." He answered still with a look of concern. I struggled a bit walking down the hall but I didn't want to show it. I looked in the mirror when I got into the bathroom and saw my left side covered in blood and lifted my shirt to see how bad it was. I saw the entrance wound and turned around to see if I could see an exit wound and sighed in relief when I saw it knowing at least that I didn't have a bullet in me. I found the first aid kit and placed some gauze over both wounds before walking back out the where Logan was.
When I got back I heard Jays voice say over the radio he got an offender in custody right before the paramedics arrived.
"This is Logan Reid he's 35 and has a GSW on his right side." I informed the paramedics and noted how he was starting to breathe "I didn't check for an exit wound and the bullet might have shifted up towards his lung." They noted everything and help him outside before turning back towards me.
"Looks like you got hit too detective." The medic noted pointing at my blood soaked shirt.
I nodded "yeah but take him first. I can wait for another ambulance he can't."
"Ok we will call for another one." The medic told me before leaving as Ruzek and Dawson came into the house.
"Jay is somewhere in the alley behind the house with our suspect." I told them "for the record he shot me first and I was only trying to slow him down." They both just raised an eyebrow and saw Halstead coming back through with our cuffed suspect who had a bleeding leg. Once Halstead had him outside both of my coworkers just chuckled at the sight they just saw.
That's when Antonio noticed my shirt that was covered in blood. "Sit down." He instructed "lift your shirt up."
"Tonio I'm fine and I can wait for the next ambulance to arrive." I insisted.
"Lyla this isn't up for debate. Lift your shirt so I can see how bad it is." His voice was stern now. I shifted a little in the chair to lift my shirt up revealing the now blood soaked bandages I had placed on myself.
"Yeah you're fine my ass." This time it was Adam that chimed in "that bullet went straight through and you are turning pale you're losing so much blood."
Antonio pulled off the bandages to look at the wounds. He looked up at me and sighed but didn't say a word and instead just replaced the bandages just in time for the paramedics from the next ambulance to arrive. He moved out of the way so the paramedics could assess me but he insisted on helping me walk out to the rig.
I didn't even realize how tight I was holding onto him until I sat down on the stretcher and pulled him down with me "sorry about that" I gasped out trying to catch my breath.
"It's fine Reid but you have a tight grip." Antonio laughed out. I released my grip on his shirt and laid back and the medics started working to put an iv in for fluids.
"Do you want to ride with her to med?" The medic asked Antonio.
"Go ahead Halstead already has the offender in custody and is getting him booked. Burgess and Atwater are back at the district with Voight so I'll let them know you went with Lyla to med and you can keep us updated." Ruzek told Antonio. He nodded a thanks and hopped in the back with me.
I knew the blood loss was starting to get bad when everything started to get fuzzy and I started losing consciousness but I could still feel Antonio holding my hand.
I knew we arrived at med when I heard muffled voices and Antonio let go of my hand. The backboard they had me on got replaced by a cushiony mattress that must've been the hospital bed but that's when they had to have knocked me out fully.
I woke up in a different hospital room and noticed Antonio was sitting next to my bed.
"Morning" I told him my voice sounded very raspy and harsh.
He smiled looking up at me. "Hey you're awake. How do you feel?"
"Like I just got shot." I joked with a smile.
"Well you had us worried there for a second but they brought you into surgery and fixed you up and had to administer some blood." He told me. "Your brother is doing good and Voight and Halstead have been interrogating the offender to get any and all information from him." I nodded and he quickly added "his leg will be fine."
"I thought I heard you were awake." I turned my head to see Dr Charles Rhodes walking into the room. "The bullet hit the bottom of your spleen and we got that fixed up but otherwise it missed everything else. We did have to administer blood since you were losing too much of it. How are you feeling?"
"Tired and sore." I responded my voice still sounded too harsh "can I have some water?" I asked.
"Of course and that's all to be expected." He left and came back with some ice water for me and told me he'd be back later to check on me.
The ice water was very refreshing and relieving on my throat. "Thank you for staying so I didn't have to wake up alone." I told Antonio "you know you didn't have to."
"Lyla I would have been way too worried about you if I wasn't here and I was still worried about you even though I was here. Of course I had to stay and no one wants to wake up alone." I smiled at his response.
"You are way too good for me Antonio Dawson."
He chuckled at that "I'm too good for you I think it's the other way around cariño"
"Tonio I really really like you and I know it's so cheesy saying this after almost dying but I think it's officially time we say what it is. Will you be my boyfriend?" I asked him.
"That is very cheesy to ask but I think you already know the answer which is yes." He stood up so he could come closer and kiss me. "Once you're better I'll take you on a date somewhere."
"I'd like that." I told him.
He sat back in his seat when we heard knocking on the door and in came the entire intelligence team.
"Hey how are you feeling?" Voight asked.
I smiled at them. "Good, well as good as someone can be after getting shot." They all laughed.
"Well your hunch of wanting to check on your brother panned out good. Besides getting there in time to save Logan that guy we caught turned out to be the same guy in the video we got as well and he gave up his partner so we got him as well." Jay explained to us.
"That's great to hear." I replied "Logan I was told is doing good but I haven't been to see him yet."
"We can go check on him and let you know." Voight responded and the team left except for Jay.
"I'm really sorry you got hurt." He looked at me with so much guilt.
"Jay it's not your fault. The guy was panicking already so he probably would've shot anyway." I told him. "I'm just happy that you caught him and brought him in."
Jay nodded some of the guilt leaving him "did you too have the talk yet?" He asked looking between us.
"We did." I nodded and saw his questioning look "yes we made it official and we are dating." I added.
"Good. I figured that's what the answer was going to be." Jay smiled at both of us and added "congrats you two were made for each other." He was about to leave when the intelligence team showed up to tell us how Logan was.
I could see some quizzical looks but we ignored them. "So how is he?"
Voight paused before answering "he's going to be good. Currently hes having some issues breathing but they got the bullet out and it only knocked his lung. It will heal with some time."
I sighed with relief knowing he will be alright.
"We'll let you get some rest and we can go over plans for you coming back tomorrow." Voight told me.
"Ok sounds good. Bye guys." I knew that Voight and Rhodes would have to go over when they expect me to be back at work together.
When everyone left I looked at Antonio "thanks for staying but if you want to get some sleep in your own bed you can."
"I'm not leaving and you can't make me." He responded.
I smiled at him. "Alright come here then." I scooted over a little and patted the bed. He got up and crawled in beside me and I cuddled up next to making sure my left side was up in case they needed to check the bandages at all. I fell asleep on his chest and l briefly woke up to some talking from Rhodes and Antonio. They were talking about my injury and how Rhodes was a little surprised to find us like this but wasn't going to fight it since I was asleep and comfortable and nothing was getting harmed. I heard Antonio thank him before the doctor left and we were asleep again.

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